English Exercises
October 26th
1) Write days of the week
2) Write months of the year
3) Write seasons
4) Spell: old, belt, cap, boots, wise, short, blond,
hair, small,fringe
old = ou, el, di
5) Numbers: 23, 15, 100, 258, 105, 1111, 556, 31, 297,
5410, 6854
6) Vocabulary (5º): Spain, France, Thailand, Germany,
China, Italy, hobby, name, question, curly hair, short blond hair,
big blue eyes, a fringe, a beard, polite, rude, tidy, untidy, on
time, late, black trainers, they're wearing, they aren't wearing,
school uniforms, world, carrots, pineapples, broccoli, beans,
potatoes, peas, onions, plums, olives, mangoes, I like, I don't like,
she loves, she hates, he doesn't like.
7) Vocabulary (6º): Japan, Morocco, Russia, Kenya,
Peru, Britain, birthday, ordinals numbers, cardinals numbers, what do
you look like??, old, young, strong, weak, pretty, ugly, bravwe,
scared, wise, silly, friendly, sporty, adventurous, funny,
intelligent, lucky, braver, stronger than me, tallest, she's the
oldest, watch, belt, ring, wristband, rucksack, chakin, hairband,
boots, earrings, headphones, always, often, sometimes, never,
8) Translate (5º):
- My mum's Maria got long curly red hair and small green eyes
- El lleva puesto una camiseta negra, vaqueros azules y zapatos verdes
- What can I do? I can paint at home
- Mi amigo es maleducado. Mi hermano es simpático y educado
- El no lleva puesto zapatos negros. Ella lleva puesto zapatillas verdes y un jersey azul
- Se puntual en clase. No uses el teléfono móvil en días de colegio. Por favor, se ordenado
- She's got short blond hair and blue eyes.
- A Juan le gusta los deportes. El juega al tenis los martes y al fútbol los jueves
- ¿Te gusta la piña y los guisantes? Sí, me encantan
- No me gustan las ciruelas y los mangos, pero me encantan las aceitunas y la cebolla
- A ella no le gusta la sopa, pero a ella le encanta el brocoli y las zanahorias
9) Translate (6º):
- I've got long brown hair and glasses. What do you look like??
- ¿Cuantos años tienes? Yo tengo 10 años
- ¿Cuando es tu cumpleaños? Es el 14 de Abril
- A Juan no le gusta la princesa guapa. Juan quiere ser el guerrero valiente
- She likes scared alien, wise grandfather and she doesn't like weak wizard and young cowboy
- Ana es educada pero Juan es grosero y maleducado
- Yo soy más fuerte y más sabio que tú, pero ella es más alta que yo
- I've got a watch and a belt
- Ella tiene una gorra verde y azul y unas gafas amarillas y muy bonitas
- I love listening to music and playing football
- He likes headphones and a rucksack
- She likes a ring, a rucksack and a hairband
- ¿Le gusta a ella su anillo, su bolso y sus botas negras y marrones? Sí, le encantan ir al cine con sus botas el sabado por la noche con su amiga Carmen. Carmen tiene el pelo largo, rizado, rubio con flequillo y los ojos azules y grandes. Ella lleva puesto pendientes rojos y verdes. No le gustan la diadema y si le gusta los auriculares fashion y rosas.
CURSO 2015/2016
Thursday May 5th
I wrote a poem last week.
I saw a good movie yesterday.
She rode her bike for three hours.
I drove from school to home yesterday.
My mom was on Brazil the last month.
She broke his leg when she fell from the horse.
My father bought me a car two days ago.
Oh! I forgot to do my homework.xD
I had a terrible flu a week ago.
She made a really good job!
They sold their house to leave the country.
My brother spent all his money in his new car.
The police caught the man who stole in the bank.
I went to the beach last week and I took a lot of photos.
1.- My sister went to the cinema with her boyfriend.
2.- Yesterday, Sarah ate a bar of chocolate.
3.- Louise forgot to lock the front door of her house.
4.- The lorry broke down in the middle of nowhere.
5.- The red and pink butterfly flew away as I got near it.
6.- Juliet made sandwiches for her sons everyday.
7.- Daddy could not turn the car on.
8.- My motorbike ran out of fuel when I reached the speedway.
9.- Peter drank too many glasses of beer and he got sick.
10.- Frank brought flowers
11.- Tim and Lucy swam in the river for two hours.
12.- Willy drew a house and people.
13.- My uncle dove in the ocean.
14.- Finally, Patrick forgave her girlfriend.
15.- I spent all my day out.
16.- Liz sang in a concert.
17.- The horse hit his owner.
18.- My dog almost bit my neighbour.
19.- Sammy threw a stone at Bobby's window.
20.- I knew how to write sentences in English, but I don't remember how to do it anymore.
Friday February 12th
St. Valentine’s Day falls on 14th February and is a day when people send cards, flowers or gifts to the person they love or to their friends. But who was St. Valentine?
The most popular idea is that he was a priest who lived in third century Rome. At the time, the Emperor, Claudius II, banned marriage to make better soldiers. Valentine was against the idea and he secretly married couples until he was discovered and condemned to death. St. Valentine died on 14th February, 270 A.D.
As often happens, the Christian celebration has links with a previous pagan celebration.
In Ancient Rome, February 15th was the Feast of Lupercalia. On the eve of the festival, the names of Roman girls were written on slips of paper and placed in jars. Each young man would draw a girl’s name from the jar and would then be partners for the duration of
the festival with the girl whom he had chosen. Sometimes, these pairings led to love and, eventually, to marriage. In 496 AD, Pope Gelasius I turned Lupercalia into a Christian feast day on February 14th in honour of Saint Valentine.
In Wales, wooden love spoons were carved and given as gifts on February 14th. Hearts, keys and keyholes were favourite decorations on the spoons. The decoration meant, “You unlock my heart!” Other common motifs were chains and knots which represented the wish to be together. Why not help the children decorate a love spoon which they can then give as a gift to a friend. The love spoons can also be used as book marks.
Thursday February 11th
1) Vocabulary: generous,
forest, kind, computer, drum, football stadium, bowling alley, clinic
2) Numbers: 1237, 4789,
13426, 28300, 9500, 30789, 128, 1500
3) Times: 9:12, 10:43,
6:30, 5:55, 3:01, 12:00, 2:50, 11:18
4) Spell: car, cat,
watermelon, a doctor, a farmer, a dog, a nurse, a builder, a cleaner
5) Sentences:
- I was at the football stadium last saturday. He wasn't at home.
- We were in the swimming pool. They weren't in the sport centre.
- She was at home on monday morning, she wasn't at the park on sunday evening, she was at the bowling alley, was she at home on monday?
- I'm the lightest and I've got the longest hair. I'm the tallest and I'm the youngest in my town
- Alicia was born in Badajoz. Her happy birthday is on March 25th. She wants to be strong
- My dad was a farmer and he lives next to the football stadium.
- I'm a waiter. I love to be a waiter. My mum is a cleaner at home.
Thursday January 21st
Oraciones afirmativas
- I played football last weekend
- You worked many hours
- Robert traveled to New York last year
- Susan cooked chicken for lunch
- The cat jumped from the tree
- Ruth, Sam and I enjoyed our holidays
- You walked around the building every day
- They closed their office at 8:00 p.m.
Oraciones negativas
- I did not (didn't) play football last weekend
- You did not (didn't) work many hours
- Robert did not (didn't) travel to New York last year
- Susan did not (didn't) cook chicken for lunch
- The cat did not (didn't) jump from the tree
- We did not (didn't) enjoy our holidays
- You did not (didn't) walk around the building every day
- They did not (didn't) close their office at 8:00 p.m.
Oraciones interrogativas
- Did I play football last weekend? - Yes, I did / No, I didn't
- Did you work many hours? - Yes, I did / No, I didn't
- Did he travel to New York last year? - Yes, he did / No, he didn't
- Did she cook chicken for lunch? - Yes, she did / No, she didn't
- Did it jump from the tree? - Yes, it did / No, it didn't
- Did we enjoy our holidays? - Yes, we did / No, we didn't
- Did you walk around the building every day? - Yes, you did / No, you didn't
- Did they close their office at 8:00 p.m.? - Yes, they did / No, they didn't
Friday January 15th
1) Translate:
- I was a good student.
- We were old friends.
- The pencil was on the desk.
- She was absent from class yesterday.
- The sky was clear.
- The child was in the garden.
- It was a pleasant day.
- She was sick yesterday.
- He was a businessman.
- He was a lawyer.
- Yesterday was Monday.
- He and Mary were good students.
- The man on the corner was waiting the bus.
- He was in Europe. .
- He was tired last night.
- The tax was high. .
- The workout was easy to do.
- She was angry.
- You were very serious.
- The window was closed.
- He was in the same class as Peter last year.
- We were members of the club..
- She was a good football player.
- The sky was cloudy.
- She was hungry after workout.
- They were good friends for many years.
- He was in his office. .
- We were busy yesterday.
- It was a good movie.
- We were married.
- They were sick yesterday.
- He was a happy child.
- She was a stranger to him.
- He was at the beach this morning.
- She was a pretty woman.
- My uncle was a good swimmer.
- They were old friends of my family.
- My aunt was a good tennis player.
- I was tired after a long walk.
- The wind was very strong.
- He was a football player at college.
- He was her boyfriend.
- The party was boring.
- She was eating when I arrived.
- I was happy to see you.
- He was reading.
- She was doing her homework.
- She was cooking a cake.
- They were here yesterday.
Wednesday January 13th
1) Translate into Spanish:
- I traveled around your country last summer
- Yesterday I met your husband at the cinema
- He was the man who saved my life
- Did you see his face?
- We went by bus in that occasion
- I bought this car in January
- Suddenly, Tom appeared in my house and asked for his brother
- I didn’t think about that, sorry!
- Did she go to the Paris in the August of 2008?
- They didn’t do it
- It rained all night
- Where did you buy those chocolates?
- I´m sure he was there, I saw him
- When I was a child, I didn´t like horses
- Last year I went to Europe with my aunt
- I wrote a note for you, didn’t you see it?
- Paul didn’t study for the exam
- We were best friends during the school
- Did you see the new building in the centre?
- They didn’t believe him
- 1. Did you eat meat?2. No, I didn’t eat fish3. I liked the fruits.4. I listened to music.5. I tok an English class6. Did you hear that?7. They did it8. He was there9. I knew it10. I tried so hard
- a).
La tarea para estos días y los siguientes es....
Repaso Ciencias Naturaleza 6º Temas 1 y 2 (pincha aquí)
Repaso Lengua 6º Temas 1 al 4 (pincha aquí)
Repaso Matemáticas 6º Temas 1 al 4 (pincha aquí)
September 18th
- Ella desayuna a las 8:30 h
- I go to bed at ten o’clock
- Me gusta los platanos y los tomates los lunes y los viernes pero no me gusta el pastel, la zanahoria, los guisantes, el arroz, la ensalada, la salchicas, los sandwich y el melón
- ¿Te gusta el limón, la sandía y la carne?
- Ella tiene un perro marrón y negro y ella no tiene un gato gris
- El perro es negro y blanco, el gato amarillo y el hamster tiene los ojos muy grandes
- A mi me gusta montar a caballo
- El desayuna los sábados a las 9:15 h.
- She gets up at quarter past eleven on Monday
- El desayuna a las 8:00 h. por la mañana
- El toma el almuerzo en la escuela los viernes a las 12:30 h.
- Yo me duermo a las 5:00 h.
- Yo voy al colegio a las 9:30 h. y voy a casa a las 4:00
- Yo desayuno a las 8:05 h.
- El hace las tareas a las 9:15 h.
- Yo me acuesto a las 10:30 h. por la noche
- Yo hago la tarea los miércoles y jueves a las 9:05 h.
- El va a casa a las 7:30h.
- El toca el saxofón muy bien
2) SPELL: dog, cat, Rabbit, horse, table, chair
3) NUMBERS: 51, 68,100, 36,85,71,30,20,97
4) VOCABULARY: por la mañana, por la noche, por la tarde, midday
Friday October 2nd
1) Numbers: 124, 35, 42, 618, 894, 487, 200, 15021, 68542
2) Spell: hot, cat, dog, pen, door, computer, table, class
3) Vocabulary: sporty, clever, lucky, wise, stronger, clean, street, nasty, catch, later
4) Translate:
- Yo voy al colegio a las 9:30 h. y voy a casa a las 4:00 h. de lunes a viernes
- My dad's 40 and my mum's 2 years younger than my dad.
- ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita? Mi comida favorita es el arroz, la zanahoria y la sopa
- I'm wearing jeans and a blue t-shirt, what are you wearing?
- This child is taller than you, he's the heaviest than my class
- She's got fair and curly hair and blue eyes
- Our ball has a vertical white stripe between two red stripes, we like a lot.
- El mago sabio es más alto que el alien miedoso, pero la valiente guerrera es más guapa que la chica tontín
- La vieja bruja es más inteligente que el joven cowboy
- Yo quiero ser un heroe, yo quiero ser valiente y yo no quiero ser miedoso. Yo quiero ser feliz y yo no quiero estar triste.
- Ella quiere ser fuerte y ella no quiere ser débil, yo quiero ser bueno y yo quiero ser un héroe.
- Nosotros somos más débiles pero ellos son más inteligentes que nosotros.
14th October
- Who's the tallest person in the world? The tallest person in the world live in Australia.
- Her name's Alicia. She's heavier than Nerea, she's the most intelligent girl in the class and in Retamal and in all over the world.
- This is Tim. He's shorter than James and he's got blond hair and brown eyes. He's got red glasses and he's wearing a red jersey. He's the prettiest boy in the class.
- This child is older than Hannah. She's the shortest in the class
- Who's the biggest know it all in the world? I know, It's Stephen Hawkins.
- The wise wizard is taller than scared alien but the brave warrior is prettier than silly girl.
- My sister is the youngest person in your family. She's got glasses.
- Who's the fastest runner in the world? It's Usain Bolt. He's from Jamaica.
- My dad's forty years old. My mum's two years younger than my dad.
October 15th
- Ella desayuna a las 8:30 h
- I go to bed at ten o’clock
- Me gusta los platanos y los tomates los lunes y los viernes pero no me gusta el pastel, la zanahoria, los guisantes, el arroz, la ensalada, la salchicas, los sandwich y el melón
- ¿Te gusta el limón, la sandía y la carne?
- Ella tiene un perro marrón y negro y ella no tiene un gato gris
- El perro es negro y blanco, el gato amarillo y el hamster tiene los ojos muy grandes
- A mi me gusta montar a caballo
- El desayuna los sábados a las 9:15 h.
- She gets up at quarter past eleven on Monday
- El desayuna a las 8:00 h. por la mañana
- El toma el almuerzo en la escuela los viernes a las 12:30 h.
- Yo me duermo a las 5:00 h.
- Yo voy al colegio a las 9:30 h. y voy a casa a las 4:00
- Yo desayuno a las 8:05 h.
- El hace las tareas a las 9:15 h.
- Yo me acuesto a las 10:30 h. por la noche
- Yo hago la tarea los miércoles y jueves a las 9:05 h.
- El va a casa a las 7:30h.
- El toca el saxofón muy bien
2.- My car is more expensive than yours
3- this song is better than other.
4- This dress is most along than the of my sister.
5- this book is more expensive here than the other store.
1.-Peter IS the tallest OF THE class.
2.-The Lamborgini IS the fastest car OF THE Italian cars. -
3.-My cousin IS the youngest OF THE family.
4.- Mexico City IS the biggest city OF THE country.
5.- Webster Dictionary IS the best OF THE English dictionaries.
October 16th
- Write the numbers: 251, 214, 487, 1005, 541, 6325, 896
- Translate: nice, nasty, polite, rude, old, young, strong, weak, pretty, ugly, brave, scared, old witch, young cowboy, strong woman, weak wizard, pretty princess, ugly uncle, brave warrior, scared alien, tired, sad, happy, angry, hot, surprised, a scarf, a belt, a rucksack, a watch, a ring, earrings, always, often, sometimes, never
- Translate:
- Lucy is younger than Paul, but Mum is older than Me
- Granny is taller than Mum, but Paul is shorter than Mum
- Lucy is shorter than Paul, but Paul is happier than Granny and Me
- She often wears a watch and she sometimes wears a wristband
- El algunas veces lleva puesto botas, y él nunca lleva un anillo
- Ella siempre lleva puesto un reloj pero ella nunca lleva puesto una pulsera
- He often wears boots, but he always wears a ring
- Jo often wears a watch. She sometimes wears a wristband. She never wears a belt
- Rob sometimes wears boots. He never wears a ring. He often wears a scarf
- Hannah always wears a watch. She never wears a wristband. She often wears a belt
- Write questions and answers:
- Hannah / play hockey........ Does Hannah..... ? Yes, sometimes
- Jo / ski
- Rob / do aerobics
- Sam / swim
- Translate into English:
- Tú puedes encontrar oro en Australia
- Las personas usan oro para hacer relojes
- El oro proteje las naves espaciales del frio
- Los dentistas usan oro para reparar los dientes
- Las personas usan oro para hacer monedas
November 5th
1) Translate:
- Do you play football on saturday morning? Yes, often
- Do you sometimes play tennis on sunday evening? No, never
- Do you always play handball? Yes, always
- Does he always play tennis in the afternoon at half past five? No, never
- Does Alberto do aerobics on weekend? Yes, sometimes
- Do you always do judo? Yes, sometimes
- Do you often ski in the mountains? Yes, sometimes
- Do they play handball? No, never. They practise judo on saturday morning at school
- Do you swim on mondays evening? Yes, always
- Do you never swim? No, never
- Don't you never do aerobics? No, never. I play hockey in saturday morning
- Doesn't she play handball? No, never
3) Spell: dog, cat, lion, train, mountain, computer, pencil, bookcase, pineapple, surprise, nose, eyesbrow,
November 13th
1) Numbers. 17513, 13214, 9162, 39006, 5765, 1200, 3500, 35269
2) Spell: computer, cat, diamonds, earrings, rings, spell, boots, gold, silk, pearl
3) Vocabulary: often, always, a watch, silly girl, diamonds, headphones, rucksack, a belt, numbers, diez
4) Times: 4:00, 7:45, 9:15, 10:30, 12:05, 6:38, 10:10, 8:50
5) Translate:
- She often plays computer games and he always swims in the lake
- Do you never play handball? No, never
- She was not brave. Does she always play tennis at half past five?
- He's buying a watch just look at that boy
- He never plays basketball and she often plays tennis on saturday morning
- Yo siempre juego al balonmano. Yo algunas veces juego al hockey y yo siempre juego al futbol
- Yo juego al baloncesto los martes por la mañana a las 11:30 h. en Retamal, un pueblo cerca de Campillo. Retamal es más bonito que Zalamea.
- The boy is sad, the girl is happy. They play football on saturday morning at 10:43 at school
December 9th
1) Times: 8:45, 4:30, 10:15, 7:13, 2:37, 1:58, 6:00
2) Spell: lobster, cushion, glasses, knee, lorry driver
3) Numbers: 17513, 7538, 18594, 83564, 1315
4) Vocabulary: helicopter, outside, listen to music, animals, black dog, never, sometimes, often, always, basketball,
5) Translate:
- Carlos is uglier than Fernando, he's more intelligent, he's from Russia. He's 12 years old and he loves skate.
- My name's John. I live in Madrid, I like playing basketball on saturday morning. I've got a dog. I get up at eight o'clock in the morning and I've got brown glasses and blue trainers.
- I get up at seven o'clock in the morning. I have breakfast at eight o'clock and I go to school at nine o'clock. I love studying.
- Hello!! My name's Tom. I'm eleven years old. I live in Badajoz. I've got black hair and brown eyes. I'm wearing a blue shirt and red jeans. I like ice cream and pizza and I don't like lentils.
- She likes cycling and he likes playing tennis on saturday afternoon at home.
CURSO 2014/2015
Thursday April 30 th
![]() |
Once upon a time there was a little man who was very sad because he had spaceship but he didn't know what to do with it.
- Can you help him? - What could he do with his spaceship? |
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Then, he decided to go to the moon and flew, and flew until be got there.
- So, where is he now? |
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As he had never been on the moon, he wasn't sure about what he cold do there, so he thought and thought inside his spaceship.
- What do you think he decided to do? |
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Of course, the little man thought that he had done such a long trip because he wanted to visit the moon, so he decided to go outside for a walk. And he was walking and walking, and walking until he meet a …
- What do you think he met? |
![]() | "The man on the moon". END |
Thursday April 16th
Christopher Columbus was born in the Republic of Genoa, now
part of Italy, in 1451. He wanted to find a quicker and safer
route to the Indies because of the important spice trade.
He said the world was round so he wanted to sail West.
The Spanish monarchs, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand,
gave him money to sail there.
He left Palos de la Frontera, Cadiz, on August, 3, 1492.
The names of the ships were the Santa María, the Pinta and
the Niña. Columbus reached the Americas on 12th October,
1492. He landed on an island. He called it San Salvador.
He thought he was in the Indies, so he called the natives
Christopher Columbus went to America four times but he didn’t
reach the mainland. He wasn’t the first person to reach America
but he was the first to make the discovery well known. However,
the name America comes from another explorer Amerigo Vespucci
who went to America in 1499 and wrote a travel journal.
In 1507, a German called Waldseemüller published a map of
the New World changing Amerigo to America.
Columbus died in Valladolid, Spain, in 1506.
What’s your name? Peter. | |
Where are you from? / Where do you come from? I’m from … I come from … | |
What’s your surname / family name? Smith. | |
What’s your first name? Tom. | |
What’s your address? 7865 NW Sweet Street | |
Where do you live? I live in San Diego. | |
What’s your (tele)phone number? 209-786-9845 | |
How old are you? Twenty-five. I’m twenty-five years old. | |
When / Where were you born? I was born in 1961 / Seattle. | |
Are you married? / What’s your marital status? I’m single. | |
What do you do? / What’s your job? I’m a librarian. | |
Where did you go? I went to a friend’s house. | |
What did you do? We played video games. | |
Where were you? I was in New York for the weekend. | |
Have you got a car / job / house / etc.? Yes, I’ve got a good job. | |
Have you got any children / friends / books / etc.? Yes, I’ve got three children – two boys and a girl. | |
Can you play tennis / golf / football / etc.? Yes, I can play golf. | |
Can you speak English / French / Japanese / etc.? No, I can’t speak Japanese. | |
Could you speak English / French / Japanese / etc.? when you were five / two / fifteen / etc. years old? Yes, I could speak English when I was five years old. |
How do you do? How do you do. Pleased to meet you. | |
How are you? Fine, thanks. And you? |
Thursday April 9th
1) Vocabulary: saw, did, discovered, invented, was, travel, go kayaking, go climbing, go snorkelling, know, I don't want to, kangaroos, beach, countryside, place, best activity, square, tower, church, stadium, bigger, smaller, longer, shorter, taller, shorter, both, lives, places, doesn't like riding his bike, hates waiting for the train, rollerblading, gift shop, snack bar, gardens, stables, toilets, there was, there were, small town, post office, between, next to, opposite, summer, winter, spring, autumm, there is, there aren't, ugly, strong, brave, handsome, theatre, blue eyes, curly hair, he was, they were, She was in love, visited, watched, liked, bought, beautiful, became, talked, saw, cycle, find, about, newspapers, big green eyes, lots of stories, deer, discovered, broken wing, made, know, good things
2) Spell: wrote, became, invented, went, helped, Barrie, Livingstone, Fleming, Graham Bell
3) Numbers: 488, 15, 666, 764, 856, 781, 902, 243, 556, 2025, 3652, 4587, 45269, 78210, 66985, 54784, 22001, 85542
4) Days of the week
5) Write months of the year
6) Translate:
- Ella estuvo en Madrid ayer
- El fue al médico
- Yo hablé con los niños de Africa
- Ellos no quisieron hacer los deberes
- Vosotros escribísteis un buen libro el año pasado
- Ellos se convirtieron en héroes en la película
- Nosotros vimos una película en el cine al lado del parque que está en Don Benito
- El doctor ayudó a una persona enferma
- Alexander Graham Bell inventó el teléfono. Fué un gran invento
- Ella fué al colegio el lunes, el martes, el miércoles, pero ella no fué el jueves porque estaba enferma
- El visitó el museo en Sevilla. Le gustó mucho
- Yo ví un pájaro al lado del árbol verde. Era muy grande.
- A mí me gustaba las patatas fritas, pero ahora me gusta la lechuga
- Dr. Livingstone descubrió las Cataratas del Niágara. El estuvo en Africa.
Thursday March 26th
1-She ate chicken
2-I went to the store this morning
3-I flew to paris the last year
3-I talked to my dad
4-He did his homework
5-My sister cleaned the room
6-We drank beer on saturday
7-He liked that song
8-The phone rang early
9-They woke up late
10-She fell asleep early last night
11-He made my dinner tonight
12-My brother dissapiared tonight
13-You sang a song that night
14-I did the laundry
15-i came late to my class
16-i had a car
17 He deleted all my old memories
18-They listened rock before
19- We had a bad dream last night
20-She was a kid
1-She didn't eat breakfast
2-He didn't take shower today
3-They didn't do my homework
4-I wasn't ugly before
5-They weren't in my home
6-She wasn't clean
7- I had not a house
8-I got a ball in the morning
9- i didnt came to school yesterday
10-i didnt like chinese food before
11-i didnt sleep well last night
12-i didnt travel last year
13-my mom did not came today
14-my cousin didnt go to the party
16- she wasnt nice to me
17-i didnt go to the store
18-i did not the laundry this week
19- i didnt go to work
10-they were bad on the test
2-I went to the store this morning
3-I flew to paris the last year
3-I talked to my dad
4-He did his homework
5-My sister cleaned the room
6-We drank beer on saturday
7-He liked that song
8-The phone rang early
9-They woke up late
10-She fell asleep early last night
11-He made my dinner tonight
12-My brother dissapiared tonight
13-You sang a song that night
14-I did the laundry
15-i came late to my class
16-i had a car
17 He deleted all my old memories
18-They listened rock before
19- We had a bad dream last night
20-She was a kid
1-She didn't eat breakfast
2-He didn't take shower today
3-They didn't do my homework
4-I wasn't ugly before
5-They weren't in my home
6-She wasn't clean
7- I had not a house
8-I got a ball in the morning
9- i didnt came to school yesterday
10-i didnt like chinese food before
11-i didnt sleep well last night
12-i didnt travel last year
13-my mom did not came today
14-my cousin didnt go to the party
16- she wasnt nice to me
17-i didnt go to the store
18-i did not the laundry this week
19- i didnt go to work
10-they were bad on the test
Friday March 20th
1) Translate:
Ella le desafió cuatro veces
El disparó a la ventana
Ellos educaron a Juan
El se convirtió en un gran jugador de tenis
Ellos vieron a su amigo en el parque
Ella visitó el Lago Ness. Yo ví el monstruo del Lago Ness. Ella se llamaba Nessie
Yo leí el libro de Peter Pan
Juan visitó Africa el verano pasado. A él le encantó,. Allí, él comió mucho arroz y pescado y después se fué a jugar al tenis con sus amigos del parque. Pero, de repente, ellos vieron un león y corrieron.
Ellos descubrieron una nueva montaña cerca del lago de Australia. Allí, hay avestruces, koalas y muchos canguros.
Mi madre limpió la casa de Madrid. Después, ella escuchó música y a ella le gustó mucho.
Yo salté varias veces. Después, él cantó en la fiesta y todos fuimos al parque y allí nos convertimos en cantantes. Nosotros ganamos varios premios y nos dieron agua y pan para cenar.
Thursday March 5th
1) Translate:
1. He did the homework
2. He was playing soccer
3. She went to Italy
4. I played in classes
5. The birthday was
6. She played with her cousin
7. We did not do the job
8. They participated in an activity
9. He ate too
10. She lost the race
11. the beating his teammate
12. the wise Italian
13. He had a new game
14. he won many awards
15. She played basketball in Germany
16. I walked by the seashore
17. He was in another country
18. she went to the beach at night
19. John went to the cinema to see a horror movie
21. I visited my grandparents on Sunday
22. My cousin called me to leave
24. He returned to Italy
25. He flew on a helicopter
26. we played all afternoon
27. they did not know English
28. they sang at the theater
30. The bathroom was on the beach
31. she watched TV all afternoon
32. He gave her a a present
33. I ran in the Olympic Games
34. they participated in a South American championship
35. we played in the square
36. Yesterday it rained in Talca
37. they saw the work
38. He read many books in class
39. we had to write many sentences
40. They danced in the square
42. She sold all her toys
43. I bought many games
44. He was in France
45. He played all night
46. she had to go to his cousin
47. We went to see some friends
48. She cleaned her house
49. I broke the window
50. He lost the keys
51. She lent me a book
52. I liked the movie last night.
53. He pronounced the words well.
54. You noticed Julia's new dress.
55. You missed me last week.
56. They arrived this morning.
57. She used the correct word.
58. We waited for you after class.
59. She invited him to her party.
60. I expected to see her yesterday.
61. They received a letter this morning.
62. Yesterday, I had lunch at Mary¨s house
63. Last year I read awesome books
66. I bought milk and bread at the grocery
67. Mary washed her car carefully
68. Mother prepared the meals
70. My car broke dawn
71. You were there
72. I went to University yesterday.
73. We ate pizza last week.
74. They went to School last year.
75. I bought a dress yesterday.
76. They played a football match last week.
77. We studied for the test last week.
78. They drank orange juice yesterday.
79. She went to the supermarket last week.
80. They ate empanadas last weekend.
Oraciones afirmativas
- I played football last weekend
- You worked many hours
- Robert traveled to New York last year
- Susan cooked chicken for lunch
- The cat jumped from the tree
- Ruth, Sam and I enjoyed our holidays
- You walked around the building every day
- They closed their office at 8:00 p.m.
Oraciones negativas
- I did not (didn't) play football last weekend
- You did not (didn't) work many hours
- Robert did not (didn't) travel to New York last year
- Susan did not (didn't) cook chicken for lunch
- The cat did not (didn't) jump from the tree
- We did not (didn't) enjoy our holidays
- You did not (didn't) walk around the building every day
- They did not (didn't) close their office at 8:00 p.m.
Oraciones interrogativas
- Did I play football last weekend? - Yes, I did / No, I didn't
- Did you work many hours? - Yes, I did / No, I didn't
- Did he travel to New York last year? - Yes, he did / No, he didn't
- Did she cook chicken for lunch? - Yes, she did / No, she didn't
- Did it jump from the tree? - Yes, it did / No, it didn't
- Did we enjoy our holidays? - Yes, we did / No, we didn't
- Did you walk around the building every day? - Yes, you did / No, you didn't
- Did they close their office at 8:00 p.m.? - Yes, they did / No, they didn't
Friday February 20th
1) Translate:
a. El bailó el sabado por la mañana en el parque
b. Mi amigo llegó el domingo por la tarde a las 8:30 h.
c. Manuel tuvo que adivinar un problema de matemáticas
d. Yo jugué al fútbol el sábado por la noche a las 10:00 h.
e. El destruyó el castillo de su hermano en la playa
f. El sacerdote bendijo el pan
g. Yo acepté el castigo y me dieron una recompensa
h. Yo soñé con una persona famosa ayer
i. Nosotros limpiamos la casa de Madrid
j. Ellos permitieron la entrada al circo
k. El sábado nosotros ganamos al otro equipo
l. Yo acepté el mensaje de Laura. El mensaje llegó el lunes por la tarde, yo estaba en el parque jugando con mis amigos, y después comí patatas y jamón
m. Ella va a saltar a la comba a las 8:30 h. en el pabellón que está al lado de la farmacia enfrente del centro de salud.
n. I decorated my house with friends at half past seven in the evening. Then we went to the cinema, we watched "X-Men 3: The origins"
o. El estaba preso en la carcel, mató una gallina. Después, él se escapó de la carcel.
p. Yo esperé a Julia enfrente del cine, porque teníamos que ir a jugar al balonmano al pabellón marrón a las 5:30 h.
q. Nosotros limpiamos la casa con nuestras madres todos los dias de la semana y después nos dieron caramelos y dulces, nos encantan!!
r. Ellos sonrieron al ver a sus abuelos en la parada del autobus el sábado de la semana pasada a las 9:45 h.
s. Ella buscó en el traductor de internet una frase de inglés, pero no la encontró
t. Nosotros nos despertamos a las 5:30 h. Nosotros nos fuimos al polideportivo a hacer gimnasia, después nos volvimos a casa y nosotros comimos macarrones
Friday January 30th
1) Spell: gift shop, snorkelling, hiking, climbing, waterskiing, there was, photocopy, ride a horse.
2) Numbers: 12048, 24156, 4028, 4762, 18564, 14853, 367, 4950, 5714
3) Times: 8:42, 12:48, 13:12, 2:30, 1:05, 9:41, 14:50, 2:15, 9:02
4) Vocabulary: glasses, book, castle, snack bar, lunch, church, television, toilets, vampiro, establo, jardines, breakfast, dinner, there was, go kayaking, pencil, go surfing
5) Translate:
- Mi hermana monta en caballo todos los días. Le encanta ir al campo y jugar al tenis los domingos por la mañana a las 11:32 h.
- Mi tito tiene 52 años. El monta en bicicleta a las 6:00 h. por la tarde los martes y miercoles. Mi padre es cazador. El caza muy bien.
- La casa de Miguel es más grande que la mía, pero la casa de Pedro es la más grande del pueblo
Friday January 16th
1) Spell: castle, vampire, taller, making, there was, there were, bookcase, television, snack bar
2) Numbers: 350, 457, 18750, 341, 1029, 780, 620, 6200, 4280, 256, 24518, 42069, 52148, 12546, 86592
3) Times: 14:50, 13:45, 1:00, 5:15, 20:42, 3:10, 10:47, 16:13, 20:44, 12:58, 23:12, 15:46, 2:17, 3:02, 4:05
4) Vocabulary: Wales, describe, those birds, strange dream, subject, go climbing, tomorrow, go hiking, bush, I don't want to, north, south, east, west, beautiful, waves, upstairs, gallery, hundred, taking photos, eating, walking, bigger, faster, taller, longer, doesn't like, waiting, gift shop, picnic area, stables, there were, there was, He was.
5) Translate:
- ¿Qué quieres hacer mañana? Yo quiero hacer ciclismo y montar en caballo. Me encanta hacer ski acuático los viernes y sábados.
- El quiere ir a navegar el martes e ir de compras el lunes por la mañana. Si, es muy interesante y yo quiero ir a surfear!!
- What's the best activity you can do in Retamal? What activities can you do here?
- Mi coche es más largo que el tuyo pero tu perro es más rápido que el mío (mine)
- La plaza de Trafalgar está en Londres. Es más alta que el palacio de Buckingham pero es más bonita que la calle Oxford
- A ella no le gusta caminar, correr, comer, beber, hacer fotos y escuchar música, pero le gusta jugar al tenis los domingos por la tarde a las 12:05 h.
- En mi pueblo había dos parques, cuatro coches grandes y había una iglesia grande.
- Yo estuve en Madrid en diciembre y ella estuvo en Barcelona en Enero.
Friday December 12th
Christmas Exercises
1) Numbers: 7137, 4500, 3719, 1014, 6002, 9131, 2100, 2718, 271, 1237, 7402, 169, 15000, 2540, 5540, 8258, 12356, 2146, 7084, 1220, 246, 6652, 3262, 18745, 5670, 15977, 741, 1952
2) Times: 4:15, 5:30, 6:10, 10:04, 7:45, 2:12, 1:00, 5:45, 9:38, 6:03, 2:01, 7:52, 17:05, 8:00, 3:42, 15:42, 18:02, 23:30, 11:28, 8:40, 2:25, 8:43, 7:19, 18:40, 3:15, 14:20, 3:35, 12:15
3) Spelling: crocodile, vultures, ostriches, cycling, granny, fridays, train, paper, table, pencil, flamingos, buffaloes, sailing, waterskiing, rollerblading, afternoon, morning, taller, book, glasses, trumpet, square, giraffe, because, tower, september, bigger, october
4) Vocabulary; cocodrilo, giraffe, I like, desayunar, drawing, car, guepardo, lápiz, mono, dancing, singing, rollerblading, cycling, nadar, escalar, taking photos, walking a dog, más largo, christmas, viernes, domingo, palace, bucear, river, galería, pantalón, waterskiing, jersey
5) Translate:
- He wants to go rollerblading and cycling
- My house is bigger than yours but Jenny's house is bigger than my house
- Yo patino bien, pero tú patinas mejor (better) que yo
- The elephant is smaller than the big monster
- Ella vive en Escocia y él en Túnez. Ella es muy alta y tiene el pelo rubio y largo, pero él es bajo y tiene los ojos pequeños y marrones. Ella tiene gafas y él tiene un pantalón verde con una camisa azul y zapatos negros.
- Do you like rollerblading? Yes, I do, but I don't like swimming because it is very dangerous.
- Me gusta patinar y hacer surf, pero no me gusta montar en canoa, pero yo no sé nadar y es peligroso. Yo nunca voy a la playa y algunas veces yo voy a la montaña que está al lado del pueblo.
- Mi familia vive en Madrid. Allí está mi hermano, mi hermana, mi madre y mi padre. Mi padre es bombero y mi hermano es policía. Ellos son valientes.
- The red and blue lorry is nicer than the blue car
- Mi padre trabaja todos los días de 8 a 10 h. en el restaurant. El come en casa y después va al parque y juega al tenis y fútbol.
- ¿Le gusta a ella montar a caballo, bucear y patinar los domingos y lunes a las 12:30 h.? Sí, a ella le gusta, pero le encanta hacer ski acuático los martes y jueves a las 9:00 h. en la playa.
- Cathedral's bigger than National Gallery but my school is smaller than Quintana's school.
- El parque de Retamal de Llerena es más pequeño que la Iglesia de Higuera.
- I like stadium, Big Ben and animals but I don't like National Gallery and River Thames.
Thursday November 27th
1) Translate:
- Juan wants to go rollerblading and eating
- My dad lives in Scotland with your friend. He has got his job.
- El ojo de Londres en más largo que el Big Ben, pero el parque de Retamal es más pequeño que el parque de Castuera
- En la calle Higuera hay muchas tiendas bonitas y muy grandes. La calle Higuera es más grande y larga que la calle Quintana.
- Pedro quiere hacer fotos y escuchar música en el colegio los martes a la 12:30 h. con sus amigos. Le gusta jugar al tenis y montar en bicicleta.
- El vive en Australia y ella es de Túnez. A ella le gusta montar en bicicleta y a él montar a caballo a las 17:50 h.
- Mi padre trabaja todos los días de 7:30 h. a 15:00 h. El es bombero (firefighter). El trabaja en Don Benito.
- The Telecom Tower is taller than the Cathedral but the Cathedral is shorter than London Eye
- ¿Es mi casa más grande que la tuya? Sí, pero tu casa es más pequeña que la de Tom.
- Me gusta el Big Ben, la Galería Nacional y el Río Tamesis.
- Rafael es más alto que yo. El es alto, tiene el pelo corto y moreno y rizado. El tiene los ojos marrones y pequeños. El usa gafas. El lleva puesto un pantalón verde y una camisa azul. Le encanta ver la TV y leer libros.
- Me gusta dibujar dragones y animales peligrosos. Los leones son muy peligrosos
3) Times: 3:30, 15:50, 4:40, 7:55, 23:02, 14:25, 9:37, 10:42, 8:05, 5:30
4) Numbers: 1276, 3200, 7450, 149, 9998, 7040, 18975, 22358, 5326, 89521
5) Vocabulary: Scotland, Tunisia, Wales, ordenador, fantástico, without, nobody, dream, country, asignatura, cama, birds, hiking, kayaking, let's go, baby koala, amazing, surfboard, vamos, hay (1), hay (más de uno), weather, activities, castillo, galería, iglesia, río, palacio, más pequeño, más alto, where, excellent, both, slower, sailing, telephone boxes, lives, calles.
Friday November 14th
Christopher Columbus was born in the Republic of Genoa, now
part of Italy, in 1451. He wanted to find a quicker and safer
route to the Indies because of the important spice trade.
He said the world was round so he wanted to sail West.
The Spanish monarchs, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand,
gave him money to sail there.
He left Palos de la Frontera, Cadiz, on August, 3, 1492.
The names of the ships were the Santa María, the Pinta and
the Niña. Columbus reached the Americas on 12th October,
1492. He landed on an island. He called it San Salvador.
He thought he was in the Indies, so he called the natives
Christopher Columbus went to America four times but he didn’t
reach the mainland. He wasn’t the first person to reach America
but he was the first to make the discovery well known. However,
the name America comes from another explorer Amerigo Vespucci
who went to America in 1499 and wrote a travel journal.
In 1507, a German called Waldseemüller published a map of
the New World changing Amerigo to America.
Columbus died in Valladolid, Spain, in 1506.
Thursday November 13th
1) Translate:
1. Ana is prettier than Rocio
2. Maria is cleaner than Tom.
3. Desert is hotter than Paris.
4. My car is as good as yours.
5. Hotmail is better than yahoo.
6. Rabbit is faster than tortoise.
7. Isabel is as tall as Ann.
8. Canada is colder than Mexico
9. An elephant is bigger than a spider
10. My house is dirtier as my neighbor`s house
11. My hair is longer than my cousin's hair
12. Tom cruise is famous than me
13. Spanish is easier than English
14. My house is brighter than my aunt house
15. today i`m happier than yesterday
2) Numbers: 254, 659, 822, 1259, 7002, 5466, 5462, 9521
3) Spell: bigger, taller, smaller, thinner, faster, slower
Wednesday November 5th
1) Spell: rhinos, eagles, ostriches, cheetahs, buffaloes, vultures, flamingos, hippos
2) Numbers: 3520, 4875, 9632, 3002, 1056, 6248
3) Times: 2:54, 8:30, 7:15, 9:40
Friday October 31st
1) Translate:
- Does she like playing tennis? Yes, she does
- ¿Te gusta montar a caballo los domingos con Juan? Sí, él es un buen amigo
- What's your favourite food? My favourite food is chips with tomatoes.
- I like hunting but I don't like playing basketball. I live in England.
- Do you like rollerblading or windsurfing? Yes, I do
- A mi amiga Laura le encanta patinar, pero ¿sabes por qué no le gusta dibujar?
- Me gusta montar en bici todas las tardes con mis amigos enn el pueblo. Yo tengo una bicicleta roja y azul, muy bonita.
- Yo quiero patinar, pero a mí me gusta más bailar porque es mi trabajo (job)
3) Times: 3:15, 3:40, 5:10, 6:30, 17:20, 5:42, 23:02, 12:52
4) Spell: sailing, rollerblading, ice skating, acting, cinema, spell, book, pencil
Wednesday October 29th
1. Complete the sentences using don’t or doesn’t:
Example: Mike and Darren don’t live in Manchester.
- Sue …………….like History.
- Darren and Sam ……………….go to school by car.
- Matt ……………….study Japanese.
- Ben and Sue …………………….eat vegetables.
- Linda ………………….live in London.
- We ……………….work in a hospital.
- Teresa and Sarah …………………….like horror films.
- My sister …………………get up at eight o’clock.
Example: Does Darren study Geography? Yes, he does .
- Do Mike and Sue eat fish? No, …………………………….
- Does Linda play baseball? Yes, ……………………………
- Does Sam study Portuguese? No, ……………………………
- Does Sarah live in Ireland? Yes, …………………………..
- Do Darren and Mike eat apples? No, ………………………….
- Do Sammy and Jenny dance in the disco? Yes, ……………………………..
Example: Sue and Linda/hockey Do Sue and Linda play hockey? Yes, they do.
- Darren and Linda/football …………………………………………..? ………………
- Sue/basketball ….……………………………………………….?...............................
- Darren/tennis ……………………………………………………?...............................
- Sue and Mike/football …………………………………………….?............................
- Linda/tennis ………………………………………………………..?...........................
- ……………….she live in Oxford?
- No, I …………………….work in an office.
- Where ………………..your friend come from?
- ……………your father like pop music?
- Jenny ……………….live with her family.
- Where ………………….do you work?
- What ……………………your friend do?
- Sally …………………….speak German.
- ………………..you know Mike’s phone number?
- I ………………like Japanese food.
- My uncle …………………….in a bar. (WORK)
- My friend …………………….in Manchester. (LIVE)
- Her sister ……………………in a factory. (WORK)
- Her family ……………….....in Canada. (LIVE)
- Mr. Crumble …………………. History. (TEACH)
- Her brother …………………..the violin in an orchestra. (PLAY)
- My grandmother ………………….pop music. (LIKE)
Example: I speak English. (He) I speak English, he speaks English too.
- I play football (She) …………………………………………………………………..
- We live in a flat (They) ……………………………………………………………….
- He watches TV (She) …………………………………………………………………
- They have long holidays (We) ……………………………………………………….
- I like hamburger (My brother) ………………………………………………………..
- I read comics (My cousins) …………………………………………………………
- He needs a new pair of shoe (I) ………………………………………………………
- Ben gets up early (His wife) ………………………………………………………….
- We come from New York (That man) ………………………………………………..
- I listen to the radio (My sister) ………………………………………………………..
- ……………he speak English?
- …………….they live here?
- ……………..you remember me?
- Who …………….you want to talk?
- What time …………….the film start?
- Where ………………the president live?
Friday October 24th
1) Translate:
- Ella quiere ir a escalar a las 4:00 h. y andar a las 5:00 h.
- I like Retamal de Llerena. My brother is 6 years old. My brother lives in Don Benito.
- Yo me levanto a las 8:00 h. y desayuno a las 8:15 h.
- My name is Miguel. I live in Retamal. I like playing football and windsurfing
- ¿Te gusta surfear y hacer senderismo los domingos? Sí, me encanta
- ¿Donde vives? Yo vivo en Don Benito cerca del parque, pero mis amigos viven en Retamal al lado del polideportivo, cerca de la iglesia al lado de la montaña
- Ella monta en bicicleta todos los dias con mis amigos y ellos van al colegio a jugar al tenis y al baloncesto, porque les gusta hacer deporte.
- Do you like waterskiiing? Yes I do, but I love hunting.
3) Times: 12:50, 9:45, 12:00, 8:25, 10:15, 9:11, 23:42, 18:30, 17:46, 11:05, 9:00, 3:15
4) Vocabulary: navegar, pescar, bucear, nadar, with, because, but, rollerblading, swimming, windsurfing, playing tennis, hiking, climbing, cycling, acting, sailing, have fun, pool, spring, summer, autumm, winter, vultures, flamingos, hippos, they've got, trees, leaves, grass, head, legs, theatre, sports centre, museum, turn right, turn left, stop, go straight on, opposite, centre, history, chinese, music, art, sport, maths, lunch, breakfast, dinner, finish school, start school
T) Translate:
- Las chicas quieren ir a surfear y a pescar pero no les gusta ir de compras
- Me gusta surfear, bucear y montar a caballo los domingos por la mañana con mi padre
- A mi hermano le encanta ir a surfear los martes y los viernes
- Me gusta tu pelo, ¿te gusta el mío?
- La chica quieren ir a navegar y a montar a caballo
- He likes waterskiing, climbing and hiking on saturday afternoon
- Does she like kayaking on saturday and horseriding on monday? No, she doesn't. She doesn't like snorkelling on thursday
- She has got short hair and hasn't got green eyes. She's 11 years old. She lives in Retamal.
- He wants to go waterskiing but he doesn't like horseriding and rollerblading at school.,
- ¿Te gusta montar a caballo y bucear los domingos por la tarde? Sí, me gusta.
- ¿Le gustan a ellos nadar en la playa? Sí, les gusta mucho.
- ¿Ese perro es tuyo? No, no es mío.
- Ellos quieren ir a a montar a caballo pero no le gusta ir a surfear.
- ¿A qué hora te levantas los domingos y sábados?' Yo me levanto los sábados a las 10:00 h. y los domingos a las 9:45 h. Me gusta ir a correr y montar en bicicleta con mi hermano.
- ¿Qué está él haciendo? El está tocando la guitarra en el colegio. Le gusta la música pero no le gusta dibujar y jugar al volleyball. Cuál es su(él) nombre?
- ¿Qué quieres hacer mañana John? Yo quiero ir a senderismo y después yo quiero ir a surfear. Me encanta surfear los lunes por la tarde. Es fantástico. Me encanta la playa.
- Ellos no quieren ir a la playa. Ellos quieren ir a la montaña. ¿Queremos nosotros montar en canoa los domingos? Sí, nosotros queremos
3) Write days of the week
Wednesday October 15th
1) Translate:
a. Have you got any brothers or sisters? Yes, I've got one sister
b. John hasn't got long hair, now he's very angry.
c. Don't use your mobile phone in the computer room.
d. She's wearing a black jumper and he isn't wearing a purple skirt
e. Does she like beans and peas? Yes, I do.
f. He likes carrots and plums, but he doesn't like chicken soup.
g. He doesn't like fish, but he loves cheese sandwiches and sausages
h. What's your favourite food? My favourite food is chicken and apples
but I hate fish and chips.
i. What do you do at the weekend? On saturday, I go to the sports centre
with my dad. What about you?
j. Turn right at the traffic lights and go straight ahead to the football stadium
k. Don't listen to music and don't chat to your friend
l. In my town, there are cinemas, hotels, restaurants... There aren't any sports centre
m. Do you like playing football? Yes, I do, but I love bowling
n. I'm playing football, he's kitesurfing and they're making an action film
o. She's wearing a cycle helmet, but she isn't rollerblading.
p. This is my friend, John. He doesn't like playing football but he loves skiing and horse riding
Retamal wednesday 8th October
1) Translate:
a. Ella
quiere ir a montar a caballo los domingos pero ella no quiere montar en
bicicleta los sábados.
b. A
ellos les gusta hacer buceo los lunes por la mañana, pero a ellos no les gusta
hacer senderismo en la nieve
Ella no quiere ir a la playa. A ella le gusta ir
a navegar los martes.
Hello!!!, sigo siempe buscando enlaces y ejercicios muy interesantes para que podáis disfrutar aprendiendo y de la misma forma poder repasar todo lo que estamos dando en clase. Así tengo un enlace para .....
SPELL (Abecedario en Inglés)
FOOD (Alimentos en Inglés)
WHAT'S THE TIME? (¿Quieres aprender la hora en inglés a través de un vídeo...?
JOBS (Trabajos y Profesiones)
Recuerda que pronto llega HALLOWEEN, y aquí tienes algunos enlaces interesantes para trabajarlo en el cole o en casa. BE SCARED!!!.
1. WIKIPEDIA (Halloween)
Repaso de la acentuación: Agudas, Llanas,
Rodea la sílaba tónica y clasifícalas según se
pide: sofá, pupitre, mesa, sábado, nariz, estrella, álbum, tómbola, acróbata,
pastel, ópera, pared
Ordena las sílabas de cada grupo y obtendrás
palabras esdrújulas. Coloca la tilde. Elige las palabras y escribe un oración
con cada una de ellas:
GI – PA – NA
SI – MU – CA
MO – CO – DO
Añade la tilde a las siguientes palabras cuando
corresponda y justifica por qué la llevan o por qué no: caracol, Jesus, salón,
vocal, menú, reloj, razón, parchis, sinceridad, arder, raton, poder, sofá, café
Martes 30 de Septiembre de 2014
Pon la tilde
en las palabras que lo precisen y explica por qué llevan o no llevan
tilde: césped, tostador, mesa, solidez, betun, cepillo, azúcar
Escribe un sinónimo para cada palabra: recordar,
caminar, disfrutar, fragmentar, terminar, perfume
Escribe una oración en la que aparezca el
antónimo de las siguientes palabras: perdonar, entregar, valiente, débil,
hundir, castigo
Subraya con color rojo el sujeto y con color
verde el predicado de estas oraciones. Después anota el núcleo del sujeto y
núcleo del predicado.
El árbitro no sancionó el penalti
Por la tarde llegó el fontanero
María ha plantado rosas en su jardín
Los alumnos juegan en el patio del colegio
Los vecinos del piso de arriba organizaron una
Marta recogió la correspondencia de mi hermana
Los padres de Isabel suelen ir al teatro
La amiga de mi madre estudia francés.
- Ella desayuna a las 8:30 h
- I go to bed at ten o’clock
- Me gusta los platanos y los tomates los lunes y los viernes pero no me gusta el pastel, la zanahoria, los guisantes, el arroz, la ensalada, la salchicas, los sandwich y el melón
- ¿Te gusta el limón, la sandía y la carne?
- Ella tiene un perro marrón y negro y ella no tiene un gato gris
- El perro es negro y blanco, el gato amarillo y el hamster tiene los ojos muy grandes
- A mi me gusta montar a caballo
- El desayuna los sábados a las 9:15 h.
- She gets up at quarter past eleven on Monday
- El desayuna a las 8:00 h. por la mañana
- El toma el almuerzo en la escuela los viernes a las 12:30 h.
- Yo me duermo a las 5:00 h.
- Yo voy al colegio a las 9:30 h. y voy a casa a las 4:00
- Yo desayuno a las 8:05 h.
- El hace las tareas a las 9:15 h.
- Yo me acuesto a las 10:30 h. por la noche
- Yo hago la tarea los miércoles y jueves a las 9:05 h.
- El va a casa a las 7:30h.
- El toca el saxofón muy bien
2) SPELL: dog, cat, Rabbit, horse, table, chair
3) NUMBERS: 51, 68,100, 36,85,71,30,20,97
4) VOCABULARY: por la mañana, por la noche, por la tarde, midday
CURSO 2012/2013
1º Sesion
- Traducir texto "Adventure island"
- AB 58
- CB 50: Copiar REPLAY
- Hacer Ejercicio 3. Traducir y decir quién es
- AB 59
- CB 51: Copiar y traducir ejercicio 1
- Leer ejercicio de abajo y traducir 2 textos (copiar y traducir)
- AB 60
1ª Sesión
- Corregir ejercicios Weekend
- CB 52: Reading, copy and translate 1 and 2 GLOBAL WARMING
- AB 61:
- Corregir ejercicios día anterior (comparando unos con otros)
- CB 53: Leemos el segundo ejercicio y traducimos
- AB 64, 65
- Corregimos ejercicios día anterior
- Terminamos con el ACTIVITY todos los ejercicios de la Unit 6 (64, 65, 72, 79)
La semana siguiente, haremos el examen de la Unit 6. Suerte y disfrutad del momento.
Gracias por todo.
- Translate:
- Cuando me levanté hice la cama y fuí a tirar la basura
- María pone la mesa todos los días
- Yo fuí a casa de Laura y le dí a ella su regalo
- Andrés fué al cine que está al lado del zoo de Madrid, cerca de su pueblo. Es un pueblo muy bonito.
- Yo hago la cama, friego los platos y mi padre tira la basura los sábados y domingos, pero los lunes yo estudiaba y yo pertenecía a un equipo de fútbol.
- El tiene dos hermanos y una hermana. Ayer por la mañana, cuidó a sus hermanos y lavó los platos.
- Yesterday, I had lessons at nine o'clock and I went home at two o'clock
- He had dinner at twenty five past six. I had chips and bacon for dinner. I love watching TV and reading books when I go to sleep.
- I went to bed at eleven o'clock. I got up at quarter past eight. Ayer yo puse la mesa y también hice la cama por la mañana.
- I looked after my sister but my mum emptied the rubbish bin
- I said hello to my friend Lucía in the morning. She is pretty and she's wearing blue trousers and a green t-shirt. She liked to play handball.
- Ellos fueron a casa de sus amigos, ellos se tomaron pasteles, frutas, colas y un poco de almendras (almonds).
- El lavó los platos y puso la mesa en su casa. Era una casa bonita y grande cerca del pabellón, había grandes puertas y un gran jardín. Yo disfruté mucho allí. Yo encontré el tesoro de Tadeo.
- Mi hermano hace la cama todas las mañanas y mi hermana saca la basura a las 2 en punto de la tarde. Hace mucha calor y algunas veces yo voy en coche con mi madre.
- Yesterday I got up early and I laid the table and looked after my sister, Lucía. She's a very good sister.
- Ayer, yo tomé el desayuno a las ocho en punto. Después, fuí a la escuela a las 8:45 h. y empecé a dar clase a las 9:00 h.
- El perro mordió al niño y rompió un hueso. Después nosotros empezamos a correr y nos convertimos en superhéroes. Yo era spiderman y mis amigos eran los cinco increibles.
- Preguntas con Do/Did/Does
b) What do you do?
c) Do you speak French?
d) Don't we know that?
e) Do Peter and John go to the gym together)
f) How do you spell table?
g) When do we go to the castle?
h) Does she play the piano?
i) Does Peter study German?
j) How did I write a book?
k) Where did you find the computer?
l) Did they walk home alone?
m) Did he write a book?
n) Didn't I use a computer?
- Oraciones negativas con el Simple Past Tense:
- I didn't like the movie last night.
- He didn't pronounce the words well.
- You didn't notice Julia's new dress.
- You didn't miss me last week.
- They didn't arrive this morning.
- She didn't use the correct word.
- We didn't wait for you after class.
- She didn't invite him to her party.
- I didn't expect to see her yesterday.
- They didn't receive a letter this morning.
- Oraciones interrogativas con el Simple Past Tense:
- Did I like the movie last night?
- Did he pronounce the words well?
- Did you notice Julia's new dress?
- Did you miss me last week?
- Did they arrive this morning?
- Did she use the correct word?
- Did we wait for you after class?
- Did she invite him to her party?
- Did I expect to see her yesterday?
- Did they receive a letter this morning?
Oraciones afirmativas con el Simple Past Tense:
- I liked the movie last night.
- He pronounced the words well.
- You noticed Julia's new dress.
- You missed me last week.
- They arrived this morning.
- She used the correct word.
- We waited for you after class.
- She invited him to her party.
- I expected to see her yestErday.
- They received a letter this morning.
EXERCISES UNIT 3 (February 1st)
1) Exercises with Regular Verbs. Translate:
- Yo cociné patatas para cenar
- Ella limpiaba la cocina los domingos por la mañana
- Ellos jugaban al tenis los sabados por la tarde
- Esa ley pertenecía al otro equipo
- Vosotros soñasteis con una persona famosa
- Ella aceptó tomates y lechuga para cenar
- Ellos miraban la estatuta
- El viernes yo fuí a comprar zanahorias
- El perro atrapó a mi vecino
- Nosotros bebimos una cerveza en el pub
- Ellos encontraron un perro cerca de la puerta
- Yo llamé a la policia el lunes por la tarde
- Ella limpió toda la casa
- Los niños destruyeron el juguete
- El terminó el examen el sábado a las 13:45 h.
- El comió macarrones y patatas fritas el sábado por la noche en casa de los abuelos, a ella le gustaba las zanahorias y el pollo. Despues ella fue al pabellón y jugó al balonmano.
Exercises Unit 3 (January 23rd)
1) Spell: surprise, computer, book, library, pencil, blackboard
2) Numbers: 334, 282, 128, 459, 376, 887
3) Translate:
a. Yo quiero ser un valiente cowboy, yo no quiero ser un alien miedoso
b. Ella es más fuerte que yo, pero yo soy más alto que mi hermano
c. ¿Llevas puesto un anillo? no, yo llevo puesto una pulsera y un pañuelo todos los fines de semana
d. Nosotros siempre vamos al cine los lunes por la tarde
e. Ellos algunas veces llevan puesto pantalones verdes y zapatillas negras.
f. Mi hermano es veterinario en una clínica veterinaria. La clínica está cerca del centro comercial al lado del parqu.
g. Mi amigo es periodista. He es muy inteligente.
h. Ellos estuvieron en Madrid el sábado, después estuvieron en el museo detras del Pabellón
i. Yo no estaba en el colegio el fin de semana. Yo estuve en el parque jugando al tenis con mi amigo.
Exercises Unit 3 (January 18th)
1) Spell: surprise, computer, book, library, pencil, blackboard
2) Numbers: 334, 282, 128, 459, 376, 887
3) Translate:
a. Yo quiero ser un valiente cowboy, yo no quiero ser un alien miedoso
b. Ella es más fuerte que yo, pero yo soy más alto que mi hermano
c. ¿Llevas puesto un anillo? no, yo llevo puesto una pulsera y un pañuelo todos los fines de semana
d. Nosotros siempre vamos al cine los lunes por la tarde
e. Ellos algunas veces llevan puesto pantalones verdes y zapatillas negras.
f. Mi hermano es veterinario en una clínica veterinaria. La clínica está cerca del centro comercial al lado del parqu.
g. Mi amigo es periodista. He es muy inteligente.
h. Ellos estuvieron en Madrid el sábado, después estuvieron en el museo detras del Pabellón
i. Yo no estaba en el colegio el fin de semana. Yo estuve en el parque jugando al tenis con mi amigo.
Exercises Unit 3 (January 18th)
- Write 10 jobs
- Translate:
- Ella no estaba en el cine el sábado por la tarde
- Yo estaba en casa el domingo por la mañana
- ¿Estuvieron ellos jugando al tenis en el pabellón el lunes?
- Nosotros no eramos doctores, nosotros eramos albañiles
- ¿No estaba ella en el parque el martes por el mediodía?
- Vosotros estábais en el centro comercial el sábado a las 12:40h
- ¿No estaba yo en el cine con Ana el jueves? No, tú no estabas
- Yo no soy abogado, yo soy veterinario
- El no estaba en la piscina el viernes por la tarde
- Write the times: 6:25, 7:45, 9:15, 4:00, 8:50, 9:30, 12:05, 7:36, 1:40
- Write days of the week
- Write months of the year
- Study verb TO BE in past and present
Aquí hay una serie de frases que nos pueden ayudar a repasar todo lo que estamos dando en clase.
1.Yo soy un veterinario
2.Yo estaba en el parque el sábado
3.Yo a menudo voy a jugar al baloncesto
4.Mi abuela tiene 8 nietos
5.I am not a vet
6.Do you like playing football?
7.I was at the cinema on saturday
8.It's one of the oldest drums in the world
9.Yo estoy comiendo en casa y voy a mi habitación
10.Yo soy un futbolista
11.Voy a la escuela todas las mañanas
12.I was at my house at twelve o'clock
13.I get up at half past seven and I have breakfast at eight o'clock
14.At eight o'clock my dad finishes school
15.Do you like playing volleyball? No, I like playing football and swimming
16.I play football at five past three
17.I play handball at five past five
18.I sometimes go alone
19.I love my mum
20.Yo a menudo juego al hockey
21.Yo algunas veces voy a la bolera
22.You were a doctor but he is a policeman in Paris
23.¿Te gusta jugar al balonmano el sabado? Sí, me gusta
24.Yo a menudo voy al parque
25.On saturday I was at the park at five to ten
26.They are office workers and we're hair dressers
27.I play the videogame at ten to five
28.Yo juego al futbol los sábados
29.Do you like playing football? Yes, I do
30.There are animals at the zoo
31.Ella era maestra de Inglés
32. Yo estaba jugando al fútbol en Madrid
33. Was I a reporter? No, I wasn't. I was a cleaner
34. I was a lawyer, but are you a lawyer? No, I am not
35. She wasn't at the park but she was at the football stadium
36. I was a waiter on saturday
1)She was at the park on saturday
2)Was I in Zalamea on sunday? No, I was not.
3)Ayer estuve en casa de mi amigo
4)Vosotros no erais abogados en Barcelona
5)¿Estuvimos nosotros en la piscina el domingo por la mañana?
6)Was I at the park on monday at seven past eight?
7)¿Estuvieron ellos en Quintana ayer? Sí, ellos estuvieron
8)Yo estoy en casa a las 2:15 h.
9)¿Estoy yo en el centro comercial el lunes? Sí, yo estoy
10)Was he at the cinema on tuesday? No, he wasn't
11)Nosotros vamos al colegio a las 8:40h.
12)Nosotros fuimos ayer a la clínica veterinaria
13)¿Era ella profesora de Inglés? Sí, ella era
14)Ella estudia todos los sábados Conocimiento del Medio
15)Yo estuve en el Camp Nou el sábado por la tarde
16)¿Estuvieron ellos en el colegio? No, ellos no estuvieron. Ellos estuvieron en el museo
17)Nosotros fuimos al cine el domingo por la tarde
18)They weren't at the park on monday
19)They aren't at home. They are at the park near the supermarket
1)You are at the cinema with Carol. Are you thirsty?
2)¿Eres tú un médico? No, yo soy veterinario y doctor en un hospital cerca del cine al lado de la escuela.
3)Mis hermanos no eran médicos. Ellos eran oficinistas.
4)¿Eres tú albañil? Sí, yo soy
5)Fuí al cine el martes por la tarde a las 5:00 h.
6)Nosotros vamos al centro comercial el domingo
- Write the numbers: 584, 125, 478, 8965, 136, 21, 556, 1025, 2130
- Spell: christmas, santa claus, pumpkin, witch, eve, happy, new, year
- Translate:
- Mi personaje favorito es una mujer
- Yo quiero ser educado, yo no quiero ser maleducado y grosero
- El hermano más joven tiene los ojos verdes y el pelo rizado
- El hermano más viejo quiere ser el líder. El tiene gafas, el pelo corto y liso y los ojos marrones
- El chico tiene el pelo más corto que la niña. El es el más joven
- I'm the heaviest and I've got the shortest hair
- Comic heroes have got bigger brighter eyes and shinier hair
- Yo tengo un amigo que (who) tiene los ojos pequeños y oscuros, nariz larga y una boca pequeña
- ¿Quién es el hombre más sabio en el mundo?
- ¿Quién es la persona más alta en la clase?
- ¿Llevas puesto botas o zapatos? Sí, yo llevo puesto botas verdes.
- I love my small watch and my big earrings
Ya veremos, si seguimos poniendo más ejercicios.... disfrutad de Papa Noel, que solo pasa una vez al año!!!!
CHRISTMAS CAROL cantado en Sexto Curso (Special)
Here you can see what we have done at class. Hemos cantado y ensayado la fantástica canción de la película "Love Actually" y su título es All I want for Christmas is.... you!!
Puedes ver el enlace de Youtube o también la letra de la canción (lyrics)
I don't want a lot for Christmas
There's just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
There's just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is...
I don't want a lot for Christmas
There's just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I don't need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't make me happy
With a toy on Christmas day
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you
You baby
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is...
I don't want a lot for Christmas
There's just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I don't need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't make me happy
With a toy on Christmas day
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you
You baby
I won't ask for much this Christmas
I don't even wish for snow
I'm just gonna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe
I won't make a list and send it
To the North Pole for Saint Nick
I don't even wish for snow
I'm just gonna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe
I won't make a list and send it
To the North Pole for Saint Nick
I won't even stay awake to
Hear those magic reindeers click
'Cause I just want you here tonight
Holding on to me so tight
What more can I do
Baby all I want for Christmas is you
Ooh baby
All the lights are shining
So brightly everywhere
And the sound of children's
Laughter fills the air
And everyone is singing
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa won't you bring me the one I really need
Won't you please bring my baby to me...
Oh I don't want a lot for Christmas
This is all I'm asking for
I just want to see my baby
Standing right outside my door
Oh I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby all I want for Christmas is...
All I want for Christmas is you... baby (repeat and fade)
Hear those magic reindeers click
'Cause I just want you here tonight
Holding on to me so tight
What more can I do
Baby all I want for Christmas is you
Ooh baby
All the lights are shining
So brightly everywhere
And the sound of children's
Laughter fills the air
And everyone is singing
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa won't you bring me the one I really need
Won't you please bring my baby to me...
Oh I don't want a lot for Christmas
This is all I'm asking for
I just want to see my baby
Standing right outside my door
Oh I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby all I want for Christmas is...
All I want for Christmas is you... baby (repeat and fade)
Espero os guste!!! Merry Christmas!!
In English speaking countries, children don’t get their presents on Christmas Eve (24 December). Santa comes at night when everyone is asleep. Santa’s reindeer can fly and take him from house to house. They land on the roofs of the houses and then Santa climbs down the chimney to leave the presents under the Christmas tree.
In the morning of Christmas Day (25 December), children usually get up very early to unwrap their presents. Then they have plenty of time to play with their new toys.
Christmas dinner is served in the early afternoon. Most people eat turkey and sprouts and a Christmas pudding.
26 December is called Boxing Day. It hasn’t always been a holiday. People used to go back to work on that day where their bosses gave them little Christmas presents in small boxes. That’s why the day is called Boxing Day.
1) Translate:
a) El perro es negro y el gato es blanco
b) El niño tiene dos manzanas
c) Tú tienes cinco libros y ellos son interesantes
d) Nosotros somos estudiantes
e) Ella tiene 14 años
f) Son las 12 en punto
g) Mi casa es blanca
h) ¿Cómo estás tú?
i) Estoy bien, gracias
j) Me llamo Ana y tengo 20 años
k) Ella tiene un problema, pero el problema no es importante
l) ¿Es el problema importante?
m) La niña y el niño son guapos
2) Write this numbers: 7, 11, 18, 47, 99, 62, 44, 83, fifty five, eighty two, forty three, ninety six, sixty four, one hundred and eighty two, three hundred and three
3) Traduce y crea una pregunta para las siguientes oraciones:
a) Me llamo María = My name's María = What's your name?
b) Yo no tengo 20 años
c) Son las 12 en punto
d) Ella tiene 4 perros
e) Mi hermano no tiene un coche
f) La manzana es roja y la pera es verde
g) El bolígrafo es rojo
h) La pizarra es blanca
4) Ordena las siguientes palabras hasta formar una frase:
a) She / Brown / Eyes / Has ?
b) Do / A / They / Not / House / Have
c) Television / He / A / Has
d) Student / Is / She / A ?
5) Translate:
I am, We are, He doesn't, She isn't, they have, we aren't, they have, It has, Do we have?, Am I?
6) Escribe la opción correcta:
a) He _____ a boy
b) I _____ at home
c) She ____ a book
d)We ______ in the hospital
e) The dog _____ in the garden
f) The dogs ______ in the park
g) Mr Smith ______ here (x)
- Write the numbers: 251, 214, 487, 1005, 541, 6325, 896
- Translate: nice, nasty, polite, rude, old, young, strong, weak, pretty, ugly, brave, scared, old witch, young cowboy, strong woman, weak wizard, pretty princess, ugly uncle, brave warrior, scared alien, tired, sad, happy, angry, hot, surprised, a scarf, a belt, a rucksack, a watch, a ring, earrings, always, often, sometimes, never
- Translate:
- Lucy is younger than Paul, but Mum is older than Me
- Granny is taller than Mum, but Paul is shorter than Mum
- Lucy is shorter than Paul, but Paul is happier than Granny and Me
- She often wears a watch and she sometimes wears a wristband
- El algunas veces lleva puesto botas, y él nunca lleva un anillo
- Ella siempre lleva puesto un reloj pero ella nunca lleva puesto una pulsera
- He often wears boots, but he always wears a ring
- Jo often wears a watch. She sometimes wears a wristband. She never wears a belt
- Rob sometimes wears boots. He never wears a ring. He often wears a scarf
- Hannah always wears a watch. She never wears a wristband. She often wears a belt
- Write questions and answers:
- Hannah / play hockey........ Does Hannah..... ? Yes, sometimes
- Jo / ski
- Rob / do aerobics
- Sam / swim
- Translate into English:
- Tú puedes encontrar oro en Australia
- Las personas usan oro para hacer relojes
- El oro proteje las naves espaciales del frio
- Los dentistas usan oro para reparar los dientes
- Las personas usan oro para hacer monedas
EJERCICIOS REPASO UNIT 1,2 (November 30th)
- Translate:
- Juan juega a menudo al futbol, al balonmano y al hockey, los lunes y jueves por la mañana
- She's wearing boots, a watch and a ring, but he's wearing a belt, earrings and a wristband.
- Ella siempre juega a balonmano, pero nunca juega a hockey los sabados y domingos a las 12:30 h. porque a ella le gusta ir a pescar (go fishing) al mar.
- Mi amiga sale sola y ve peliculas por la mañana a las 10:00 h. Yo veo películas y él va a esquiar de vacaciones a Madrid en tren (by train).
- Yo siempre voy al cine con mi familia y a veces voy al parque de atracciones.
- ¿Cuál es tu lugar favorito de vacaciones? Mi lugar favorito es la playa, cerca de las montañas.
- Ella, a veces, hace aerobic pero sus amigos nunca hacen gimnasia.
- I often play handball. I sometimes swim and I never play hockey
- Yo tengo un reloj, una pulsera y una mochila grande
- Yo voy a montar a caballo los lunes y viernes por la tarde a las 9:00 h.
- Ellos llevan puesto un chandal amarillo al pabellón. Después, ellos juegan al tenis y al baloncesto
- Ella es guapa pero débil y su hermano es miedoso y joven
- Nosotros vamos al campo los lunes, sábados y domingos a las 8:45 h. Nosotros siempre jugamos al futbol y nos gusta comer carne y pescado cerca del lago. Nos encanta!!
- Yo nunca hago ski en la montaña los sábados y domingos. Yo siempre juego al tenis los veranos.
- I love wearing a scarf and a wristband. We never play handball and doing judo at the sport centre on tuesday
- La princesa lleva puesto un anillo de oro y una corona de diamantes. ¿Tiene ella un perro grande y gris? No, ella no tiene
- El mago tiene una pulsera amarilla, dos anillos de oro y una corona de plata más grande y más fuerte que la corona de oro.
- Nosotros a menudo llevamos puesto un reloj, una pulsera y un anillo de plástico blanco y gris.
- ¿Llevan ellos puesto un reloj, un cinturón, un anillo o una pulsera? No, ellos llevan puesto unas botas.
- I always play handball and I sometimes play hockey, I never doing judo. I'm stronger than my sister.
- Borja siempre juega al futbol y es el más rápido de la clase. El es el más sabio y le gusta hablar inglés.
EJERCICIOS REPASO UNIT 1,2 (November 16th)
1) Translate:
- How old are you? I'm ten years old
- Ella es fuerte y su hermana es débil
- My favourite is strong woman. She is braver than scared alien
- El hace gimnasia en el pabellón los martes y jueves a las 7:15 h. y ella va a la moda.
- Yo tengo un reloj, un cinturón y llevo puesto una pulsera roja
- Ella lleva puesto un cinturón grande, una pulsera rosa y un anillo de oro
- Yo compro (buy) unas botas rojas y un vestido amarillo.
- No me gusta la ensalada de atún y tomate con queso
- El es sabio y su hermano es afortunado
- I like a skirt and a scarf. She doesn't like playing handball and doing aerobics
- El lleva puesto unos zapatos marrones y una gorra, pero él no lleva gafas
- She's wearing earrings, a wristband and a ring.
- Nosotros llevamos puesto un cinturón marrón y una pulsera azul.
- Ellos llevan puesto una camisa naranja y unos pantalones vaqueros
- A menudo, yo juego al balonmano, con mis amigas, en el pabellón
- Juana nunca corre con sus amigas
- Yo, algunas veces, llevo puesto unos pendientes y nunca llevo puesto un anillo de diamantes.
- I never play handball and play basketball but sometimes I do judo
- El siempre juega al balonmano y él nunca juega al fútbol los martes y jueves por la mañana a las 12:00 h.
- El lleva puesto un jersey negro, un pantalón corto y unos zapatos
- She's wearing a watch, a belt and boots. Is she wearing a green belt?
- Yo siempre juego al balonmano, nunca juego al futbol ni al hockey
- El, a veces, hace gimnasia en el pabellón y ella siempre hace aerobics en el pabellón.
3) Numbers: 150, 25, 45, 98, 357, 1999, 7865
- Translate:
- Alejandro es más fuerte que Manuel, pero menos rápido que Andres
- El es más alto que Laura, pero más bajo que Pablo
- I'm faster than Manuel, but Julia is faster than I
- Mi hermana es más simpática que yo
- La bruja es más vieja que el mago Tom, pero más débil que ella
- ¿Cuánto vale el pastel, la pizza y el chocolate? Vale 10 $
- The pretty princess is pretty but alien is scared than Warrior
- Carmen es más guapa que Julia, pero Julia es más fuerte que Carmen
- The princess is uglier than alien
- Fabiola es más débil que Manuel y Alejandro es más feo que Manuel
- I'm bigger than Juan but smaller than Tom
- Is he from Italy? No, he is from Spain
- She is pretty but he is ugly
- She has got curly and long hair. He's wearing a red and blue trousers and black trainers. She's got glasses and a ponytail
- I love chicken with potatoes. I hate tomatoes, onions, etc
EJERCICIOS REPASO UNIT 1 (26th October 2012)
- Numbers: 102, 42, 65, 1200, 85, 4000, 5590,
- Order and Write: tsrdon, onlg, orths, ahlowelne, mmmoy
- Answer the questions:
- Is your mum a doctor?
- Have you got brown eyes?
- Have you got a brother or a sister?
- Are you tall?
- Spell: wise, trendy, bananas, short, lucky, car, cat,
- Translate:
- I have got big blue eyes and long curly hair. I'm wearing a black jacket a blue trousers and red trainers
- Alejandro es más fuerte que Juan, pero Juan es más rápido que Alejandro
- La princesa es más hermosa que el joven tío
- ¿Son ellas viejas brujas? Sí, ellas lo son
5. Yo soy el más educado de mi familia
6. A mí me gustan los guisantes y las patatas, pero yo odio los garbanzos y el broccoli
7. Ella tiene los ojos más oscuros que él
8. Me gustan los tomates y las judías, pero yo odio las cebollas y el broccoli. Me encanta la ensalada y el chocolate
9. I live in Scotland, with my dad and my mum. My sister's got long blond hair and big blue eyes. I've got short curly hair. I love kitesurfing and playing football
10. Me gusta jugar al fútbol y montar a caballo los martes por la tarde a las 19:30 h.
- Draw a manga heroe and a manga villain
- Calcule: 42 + 30, 70 + 20, 14 + 15, 42 – 32, 82 – 45, 2 * 5
- Order and Write:
- in / nicest / the / class / she / is/ the
- he / is / weaker / than / his / brother
Christopher Columbus was born in the Republic of Genoa, now
part of Italy, in 1451. He wanted to find a quicker and safer
route to the Indies because of the important spice trade.
He said the world was round so he wanted to sail West.
The Spanish monarchs, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand,
gave him money to sail there.
He left Palos de la Frontera, Cadiz, on August, 3, 1492.
The names of the ships were the Santa María, the Pinta and
the Niña. Columbus reached the Americas on 12th October,
1492. He landed on an island. He called it San Salvador.
He thought he was in the Indies, so he called the natives
Christopher Columbus went to America four times but he didn’t
reach the mainland. He wasn’t the first person to reach America
but he was the first to make the discovery well known. However,
the name America comes from another explorer Amerigo Vespucci
who went to America in 1499 and wrote a travel journal.
In 1507, a German called Waldseemüller published a map of
the New World changing Amerigo to America.
Columbus died in Valladolid, Spain, in 1506.
Review 5th Course
- Days of the week
- Months of the year
- Spell: kangaroo, ears, mouth, eyes, river, banana
- Numbers: 254, 45, 857, 320, 156, 475, 2510, 1972, 412
- Vocabulary: Spain, France, Thailand, Germany, China, Italy, curly red hair, short blond hair, big blue eyes, polite, rude, tidy, untidy, on time, late, carrots, pineapple, broccoli, beans, potatoes, peas, onions, plums, wash, peel, cut up, put, pour, mix, drink, art gallery, bowling alley, ice rink, sports centre, shopping centre, restaurant, football stadium, internet café, traffic lights, zebra crossing, text message, cycle helmet, reflective vest, light
- Vocabulary: playing handball, doing aerobics, doing gymnastics, kitesurfing, bowling, snowboarding, doing judo, playing volleyball, mountain bike, kite and kiteboard, mp3 player, digital camera, pets, dvds, beach, island, jungle, lake, mountains, ocean, river, waterfall, cheetah, koala, rhino, hippo, gorilla, spider, kangaroo, panda, bigger, smaller, slower, faster, heavier, lighter, played, visited, walked, watched, liked
- Translate:
- Have you got short and curly hair? No, I've got long and blond hair
- She's wearing a black jumper but she isn't wearing blue jeans and pink trainer
- Yo tengo un hermano. El tiene el pelo oscuro y rizado y los ojos azules. Mi ropa favorita son la ropa deportiva (chandals, deportivas...
- ¿Te gustan las zanahorias, los guisantes, las ciruelas y las patatas? No, me gusta el broccoli, las naranjas y una ensalada de tomates y atún (tuna).
- A ella le gusta la leche pero ella odia las salchichas y la pizza.
- I hate beans, i don't like fish or cherries, i like carrots, cheese and chocolate. I love sausages, salad and strawberrie
- There isn't a park near the station
- Go straight on. Turn right after the station. Go past the supermarket. Turn left. It's on the right next to the cinema
- Nosotros vivimos en Madrid. Hay ocho millones (millions) de turistas cada año. Hay muchas cosas que hacer. Hay cines, hoteles, restaurantes, parques, tiendas y piscinas.
- No me gusta jugar al voleibol, pero me encanta hacer judo los martes y jueves a las 8:20 h.
- Is she listening to music? No, she's wearing a helmet, but she isn't rollerblading
- When I was six, my favourite food was bananas. My favourite toy was a yellow and green kite. My favourite hobbies were swimming and riding my bike.
got / has got AFIRMATIVA
usamos la tercera persona del singular en presente,(he, she, it)
ponemos -has got, por ejemplo:
has got a pen / She's got a pen
has got a dog / He's got a dog
embargo, en las siguientes personas, (I, You, We, They)
simplemente ponemos -have got, por ejemplo:
have got a dog / I've got a dog
have got a car / You've got a car
have got a bicycle / We've got a bicycle
have got a computer / They've got a computer
got / has got NEGATIVA
la oración es negativa, simplemente se la añade -not, por ejemplo:
has not got a pen / She hasn't got a pen
has not got a dog / He hasn't got a dog
have not got a dog / I haven't got a dog
have not got a car / You haven't got a car
have not got a bicycle / We haven't got a bicycle
have not got a computer / They haven't got a computer
Hello!!!, muchos papás y mamás no paran de preguntarme cuándo estarán colocados los ejercicios de repaso pues..... ya casi!!, aunque ya podemos empezar a repasar, aquí tenéis algunos de ellos. A lo largo de la semana que viene seguiré poniendo alguna que otra cosilla más...
1) Translate:
- Did you play tennis? Yes, I did
- I played handball at three o'clock
- I walked home on monday
- ¿Tú tocabas la guitarra? No, no la tocaba
- I didn't play tennis on saturday in the morning
- Did you play handball? Yes, I did
- She wanted to Marta on Saturday
- Did you play basketball on monday? Yes, I did
- Do you go to school at nine o'clock and play football at the gym?
- Do you listening to music on saturday? No, I don't
- Did you play the guitar at ten o'clock? Yes, I did
- I like playing football at the football stadium at four o'clock on sunday
- Ellos estaban con sus amigos en el parque
- Did you use the computer? Yes, I did
- Didn't you play tennis? Yes, I did
- Did you watch TV? No, I didn't
- Were you a policeman? No, I was a housewife
- I was a taxi driver but now I am a cleaner
- ¿Tú jugabas al futbol el fin de semana en el gimnasio al lado de la escuela?
b) What do you do?
c) Do you speak French?
d) Don't we know that?
e) Do Peter and John go to the gym together)
f) How do you spell table?
g) When do we go to the castle?
h) Does she play the piano?
i) Does Peter study German?
j) How did I write a book?
k) Where did you find the computer?
l) Did they walk home alone?
m) Did he write a book?
n) Didn't I use a computer?
1) You're the bravest student in the school
2.- Manga Villain have got smaller darker eyes, dramatic eyebrows, longer noses and a mouth that goes down
3.- Are you wearing a ring? No, I'm not. I'm wearing a red scarf, a white wristband, a grey watch and a purple rucksack
4.- Yo siempre juego al balonmano. Ella algunas veces juega al hockey y ellos nunca hacen gimnasia.
Frases para hacer repaso del Verbo To Be:
a. El bailó el sabado por la mañana en el parque
b. Mi amigo llegó el domingo por la tarde a las 8:30 h.
c. Manuel tuvo que adivinar un problema de matemáticas
d. Yo jugué al fútbol el sábado por la noche a las 10:00 h.
e. El destruyó el castillo de su hermano en la playa
f. El sacerdote bendijo el pan
g. Yo acepté el castigo y me dieron una recompensa
h. Yo soñé con una persona famosa ayer
i. Nosotros limpiamos la casa de Madrid
j. Ellos permitieron la entrada al circo
k. El sábado nosotros ganamos al otro equipo
l. Yo acepté el mensaje de Laura. El mensaje llegó el lunes por la tarde, yo estaba en el parque jugando con mis amigos, y después comí patatas y jamón
m. Ella va a saltar a la comba a las 8:30 h. en el pabellón que está al lado de la farmacia enfrente del centro de salud.
n. I decorated my house with friends at half past seven in the evening. Then we went to the cinema, we watched "X-Men 3: The origins"
o. El estaba preso en la carcel, mató una gallina. Después, él se escapó de la carcel.
p. Yo esperé a Julia enfrente del cine, porque teníamos que ir a jugar al balonmano al pabellón marrón a las 5:30 h.
q. Nosotros limpiamos la casa con nuestras madres todos los dias de la semana y después nos dieron caramelos y dulces, nos encantan!!
r. Ellos sonrieron al ver a sus abuelos en la parada del autobus el sábado de la semana pasada a las 9:45 h.
s. Ella buscó en el traductor de internet una frase de inglés, pero no la encontró
t. Nosotros nos despertamos a las 5:30 h. Nosotros nos fuimos al polideportivo a hacer gimnasia, después nos volvimos a casa y nosotros comimos macarrones
1) Translate: Sophie and Suzie are best friends. They both live in Oxford and go to the same school. Usually they do everything together. Yesterday was Sophie's birthday. She had a party. Her friends came to the party. They said Happy Birthday and gave her presents. But yesterday Suzie had a headache. She didn't go to Sophie's party. But she phoned her and said Happy Birthday. She gave Sophie her present - the next day. And Sophie gave her a present too, to say Get Well Soon!!
2) Translate:
a. Ella va a ir de vacaciones a Francia
b. El va a ir de vacaciones a esquiar
c. Su madre(de él) va a ir de compras
d. El no va a ir a hacer kitesurfing

3) Escribe una frase con: younger, heavier, lighter, older, youngest, oldest, heaviest, lightest
4) Escribe una frase con: always, often, sometimes, never 5) Times: 5:45, 3:30, 9;15, 2:25, 12:40, 3:55, 2:35
6) Escribe estos verbos en pasado: live, work, want, love, escape, go, give, say, have y haz una frase con cada uno de ellos usando el pasado
BUENO, YA NO PONGO MÁSSSSSSS!!, QUE OS MERECÉIS UN BUEN DESCANSO, que paséis un muy buen verano y que tengáis mucha suerte en la entrada al "Tuto"
AHHH!!!, no os fijéis del cuaderno..... intentad hacerlo sin mirar, si después tenéis alguna duda, os permito mirad, pero intentad hacerlo solo, así aprenderemos más y reforzaremos mejor lo que ya sabemos. Os deseo lo mejor, bye.
Ejercicios Repaso Curso 2011-2012
Aquí tenemos un resumen general de todo tipo de oraciones que hemos dado a lo largo de este curso académico: presente, pasado, going to, have got..., espero os guste!!!
1) Translate:
1-¿Era pequeña?
2-Era joven.
3-Éramos felices.
4-Era viejo.
5-¿Ella era alta?
6-Eras fuerte.
7-Erais bajos.
8-Éramos feos.
9-Estábamos en Sevilla.
10-Estaban en Burgos.
11-El no está en casa
12- Ella tiene once años
13- Este colegio tiene cincuenta años
14- Ellas no tienen 12 años
15- ¿Es Tim inglés?
16- ¿Ellas están en Segovia?
17- Ella no está aquí
18- ¿Estáis en casa?
19- Estas noticias son interesantes
20- Tom y María están en esa cafetería
21- Ese chico es mi hermano
22- La gente estaba en el trabajo
23- El invierno pasado no estuvimos en la isla
24- No estuvimos en el colegio
25- Nosotros no teníamos miedo
26- La semana pasada estuve en Barcelona
27- El 18 de noviembre ellos estaban en casa
28- A esa hora él no estaba en el pabellón
29- ¿Ellos estaban en clase haciendo los ejercicios y leyendo algunos libros de aventuras?
30- La semana pasada ella estaba en el aeropuerto a esta hora.
31- ¿Érais el grupo siguiente?
32- El día 15 Tom y Bill estaban en Bilbao
33- Ella tiene los libros.
34- Los martes no tengo recreo.
35- Estos chicos no tienen equipo.
36- Bob tiene los ojos marrones.
37- ¿Encontraste a Bob en casa?
38- Ella no se encontró con ellas allí.
39- Él lo escondió allí.
40- Ellos no compraron los billetes.
41- ¿Lo traías para nosotros?
42- ¿El perro te mordió?
43- Ella se fue con nosotros.
44- ¿Ella nos prestaba su coche?
45- Ellas van a ir al cine mañana.
46- No voy a estar en el colegio hoy.
47- ¿Va a comprar Marge el periódico?
48- Tu café va a estar frío.
49- Mi tío no va a venir esta tarde.
50- ¿Vas a llamar a Bob?
Exercises Unit 6 (June 4th)
1) Vocabulary: spring, summer, autumm, winter, go on boats, jump into the sea, wash the penguin, watch, sometimes, never, always, often, have lessons, go home, go to bed, had, got up, went, he didn't go, watch TV, talk to friends, use the computer, yesterday, today, tomorrow, clever, rich, think, kind, poor, friendly, nasty, I wasn't, I was, a lawyer, a doctor, a vet, a postman, a housewife, a reporter, a watch, earrings, boots, cap, skirt, glasses, long hair, short hair, stronger, weaker, bravest, friendliest, wisest, happiest, politest, sportiest, funniest, trendiest, luckiest¿
2) Explica el comparativo de superioridad y pon 3 ejemplos.
3) Times: 4:00, 8:55, 9:15, 10:30, 5:45, 12:05
4) Translate:
- Juan es más débil que John, pero él es más joven que yo
- Yo soy la más ligera(la que pesa menos) y yo tengo el pelo rubio y rizado y gafas
- ¿Llevas tú puesto una bufanda verde? No, yo no.
- Me encanta mi gorra roja y mi camisa verde
- Ella nunca nada y nosotros algunas veces hacemos judo
- ¿Estuvo en casa él el jueves? No, él no estuvo
- Ellos algunas veces eran amigos pero a menudo estaban enfadados
- Ella vivió en un pueblo muy cerca. Ella era buena cocinera.
- El domingo yo tomé un zumo de frutas, yo comí patatas fritas y después yo jugué al ordenador con mis amigos. Yo me fuí a la cama a las 9:00. Estaba muy cansado.
- ¿Te gusta buscar tesoros en la playa? No, me gusta saltar al mar y esconderse en cuevas. Es más fantástico.
- Yo voy a hacer un picnic el domingo en casa de Tom. Yo voy a jugar al ordenador y voy a leer un buen libro.
- A menudo, yo voy de compras con Tom.
1) Translate:.
- Ella va a empezar el ejercicio el lunes por la mañana
- Nosotros no vamos a cortar el árbol el fin de semana
- Ellos van a encontrar el tesoro
- Nosotros aprendimos algunos idiomas
- Yo abandoné mi libro en la escuela
- Ella va a pagar el cine
- Vosotros llegásteis a Madrid el lunes por la tarde
- Yo no voy a enviar esa carta
- Tú vas a montar en caballo el martes por la mañana
- Ellos verificaron el ordenador
- Ella recordó una bonita canción
- Yo voy a ayudar a mis amigos. Ellos me ayudaron a mí
- They are going to ask a question.
- You are going to play cards.
- Tom is going to stay with Anny.
- I am going to buy bread.
- You are going to sing a song.
- You are going to see the house.
- Christine is going to decorate her home.
- He is going to turn around.
- She is going to draw a circle.
- He is going to wear a shirt.
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare was born in 1564, in Stratford. After school he went to London. He became an actor and a writer and he wrote thirty eight plays and poems. He acted with his friends in the theatre. A lot of people watched his plays and they liked them. Shakespeare became famous. He lived in London, but he had a big house in Stratford too. His wife was Anne, and they had three children.
The Olympic Games
The Olympic Games (Olympics) are celebrated every four years. This year, the Olympics
take place in London. This is the third time. They also took place there in 1908 and
The original Olympic Games took place in Olympia in Greece in honour of the god
Zeus. Only free men who spoke Greek could participate. The first records of the Games
are from 776 B.C. although they were probably not the first. At first, the Olympic Games
lasted only one day and only contained one event: the stadion race, which was between
180 and 240 metres long. The winner in 776 B.C. was a cook called Koroibos. In 393
A.D., the Roman Emperor Theodosius the Great banned them.
The modern Olympic Games started in 1896. They were held in Athens thanks largely
to the efforts of Baron Pierre de Coubertin although the first attempt to revive them took
place in Much Wenlock in England. There, the Olympian Games first took place in
1850. They were set up by Dr. William Penny Brookes. Since 1896, there have been
Olympic Games every four years except the war years (1916, 1940 and 1944).
The first winter Olympics took place in Chamonix, France in 1924. Since 1960, in the
same years as the Olympics, the Parallel Olympics (Paralympics) take place. This is a
sporting event for sportspeople with disabilities. They are based on the idea of a doctor,
Sir Ludwig Guttman, who was working with World War II veterans with spinal injuries
at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Aylesbury. He set up a competition with other hospitals
to coincide with the London Olympics in that year. The first Winter Paralympic Games
were held in 1976 in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden.
1. The Olympic Games take place every _____ years.
2. How many times have the Olympics been held in London?
3. Where did the original Olympic Games take place?
4. Who were the only people who could take part in the original Olympics?
5. How long was the stadion race?
6. Who won the first stadion race?
7. Who banned the Olympics?
8. When did the modern Olympic Games start?
9. Why were there no Olympics in 1916, 1940 and 1944?
10. When did the first Winter Olympics take place?
11. What does Paralympics mean?
12. Where did the first Winter Paralympics take place? Worksheet 2 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press
Exercises Unit 5 (Simple Past)
En estas páginas webs, podemos encontrar muchos ejercicios que nos pueden venir muy bien.
1. Completa los recuadros escribiendo la forma negativa de la oración. Use las formas
contractadas (isn't, aren't, don't, doesn't)
Ejemplo: I play tennis - I don't play tennis.
• I play tennis. play tennis.
He lives in London. in London.
• You are good. good.
• She is a teacher. a teacher.
• They live in England. in England.
• Joe is a doctor. a doctor.
• Mary is a lawyer. a lawyer.
• They have two cars. two cars.
• We are in London. in London.
2. Write the negative form.
• I go to school everyday.
• Laura is very tired.
• My hobby is collecting stamps.
• Hugh has breakfast at seven.
• Thomas and Nick play tennis all day.
• The plane is full.
• I read a lot of books.
• The children like ice cream.
• I love playing with the computer.
1) Translate:
a. Ellos no encontraron a su amigo en el circo
b. Nosotros no fuimos al parque, ellos fueron al Centro Comercial el domingo por la tarde
c. Ella bailó toda la noche esa canción que le gusta
d. ¿Te interesa jugar al tenis el domingo? Si, me interesa
e. Ellos no escucharon música, ellos hicieron los ejercicios el sábado y el domingo
f. Nosotros compramos un coche muy bonito y grande y yo lo conduje el lunes por la mañana
g. Ella no sabía donde habían muchos juguetes.
h. Ellos perdieron el partido porque ellos jugaron muy mal
i. Nosotros no decoramos nuestra casa, nuestra casa era muy bonita
j. Vosotros visitásteis la torre Eiffel y después nosotros vimos el Arco del Triunfo. Después, algo sucedió. Ellos empezaron a bailar y a limpiar la calle y también ellos desafiaron a los policias. Después, ellos llegaron al hotel.
1.) On Monday I had a birthday party.
I had juice, cake, and icecream
- You: Let´s go to the park and play football.
Your friend: No, it´s raining. Let´s go to the sports centre.
- Mike: Hello I want to join the football team.
John: Ok, how old are you?
Mike: I´m ten years old.
John: Great, you can be on my team.
- I want to be a good friend. I want to be nice. I don´t want to be mean.
- Sam is the tallest student, but Jeff is the oldest.
- Sam sometimes plays handball on Mondays. Hannah and Lisa always ski in the winter.
- I like animals. I want to be a vet.
EXERCISES UNIT 1-4 (Review Semana Santa)
1. Write the “-s” or “-es” where necessary:
- I go rollerblading at weekends. She do the homework at home
- My parents travel to England every summer. Mike play basketball in a team.
- The dog drink milk every day. The girl study in the library.
- Sam and I work in an office. Flash go shopping every week.
- My father watch/watches TV everyday.
- I write/writes letters in the post office.
- Her mother cook/cooks dinner every evening.
- I listen/listens to music at night.
- Sarah drive/drives her car to work.
- Mike never buy/buys the newspaper.
- you / do / dinner / ? / cook / at weekends
- …………………………………………………………………………
- doesn’t / Susan / the / play / piano
- ………………………………………………………………………….
- to school / go / I / don’t / by car
- ………………………………………………………………………….
- does / homework / Robert / the / in the evening
- …………………………………………………………………………
- Kate / ? / go / in the mornings / does / to university
- …………………………………………………………………………
- do / in Oxford / Daniel and Sam / ? / live /
- ……………………………………………………………………….
Subject: His father Verb: work Complement: in a hospital/at weekends
(+) …………………………………………………………………………………….
(-) ……………………………………………………………………………………..
(?) ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Subject: I Verb: go to school Complement: on foot/everyday
(-) ……………………………………………………………………………………..
(?) ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Subject: Sally Verb: study Complement: French/in the mornings
(+) ……………………………………………………………………………………
(-) …………………………………………………………………………………….
(?) ……………………………………………………………………………………
5. Write the verbs in brackets in the present tense:
- I always…………………… (make the bed) in the morning.
- ……….. Tom …………… (cook lunch) everyday?
- Liam ……………………… (not work) in a bank.
- ………... you ……………... (live) in a big city?
- She ……………………….. (not cook) at home.
- ………... the cat …………. (drink) milk?
- Sandra …………………….. (do the shopping) in a supermarket.
- The man …………………….. (read) the newspaper every day.
- Her friend ……………………. (go) to pubs at night.
- ……….. the children ……………… (play tennis) at school?
- Teresa usually………… (go) to Seville by train.
Example: do you study English? Yes, I do
- ………… you play basketball? ……………………
- ……….... you and your family live in France? …………………….
- ………….your friends like pop music? ……………………..
- ………….your English teacher come from England? ………………………..
- …………..you and your classmates study Maths? ………………………..
- …………..you play football? …………………………..
Example: Mike and Darren don’t live in Manchester.
- Sue …………….like History.
- Darren and Sam ……………….go to school by car.
- Matt ……………….study Japanese.
- Ben and Sue …………………….eat vegetables.
- Linda ………………….live in London.
- We ……………….work in a hospital.
- Teresa and Sarah …………………….like horror films.
- My sister …………………get up at eight o’clock.
Example: Does Darren study Geography? Yes, he does .
- Do Mike and Sue eat fish? No, …………………………….
- Does Linda play baseball? Yes, ……………………………
- Does Sam study Portuguese? No, ……………………………
- Does Sarah live in Ireland? Yes, …………………………..
- Do Darren and Mike eat apples? No, ………………………….
- Do Sammy and Jenny dance in the disco? Yes, ……………………………..
Example: Sue and Linda/hockey Do Sue and Linda play hockey? Yes, they do.
- Darren and Linda/football …………………………………………..? ………………
- Sue/basketball ….……………………………………………….?...............................
- Darren/tennis ……………………………………………………?...............................
- Sue and Mike/football …………………………………………….?............................
- Linda/tennis ………………………………………………………..?...........................
- ……………….she live in Oxford?
- No, I …………………….work in an office.
- Where ………………..your friend come from?
- ……………your father like pop music?
- Jenny ……………….live with her family.
- Where ………………….do you work?
- What ……………………your friend do?
- Sally …………………….speak German.
- ………………..you know Mike’s phone number?
- I ………………like Japanese food.
- My uncle …………………….in a bar. (WORK)
- My friend …………………….in Manchester. (LIVE)
- Her sister ……………………in a factory. (WORK)
- Her family ……………….....in Canada. (LIVE)
- Mr. Crumble …………………. History. (TEACH)
- Her brother …………………..the violin in an orchestra. (PLAY)
- My grandmother ………………….pop music. (LIKE)
Example: I speak English. (He) I speak English, he speaks English too.
- I play football (She) …………………………………………………………………..
- We live in a flat (They) ……………………………………………………………….
- He watches TV (She) …………………………………………………………………
- They have long holidays (We) ……………………………………………………….
- I like hamburger (My brother) ………………………………………………………..
- I read comics (My cousins) …………………………………………………………
- He needs a new pair of shoe (I) ………………………………………………………
- Ben gets up early (His wife) ………………………………………………………….
- We come from New York (That man) ………………………………………………..
- I listen to the radio (My sister) ………………………………………………………..
- ……………he speak English?
- …………….they live here?
- ……………..you remember me?
- Who …………….you want to talk?
- What time …………….the film start?
- Where ………………the president live?
Exercises Unit 4 (19th March)
1) Translate:
a. El bailó el sabado por la mañana en el parque
b. Mi amigo llegó el domingo por la tarde a las 8:30 h.
c. Manuel tuvo que adivinar un problema de matemáticas
d. Yo jugué al fútbol el sábado por la noche a las 10:00 h.
e. El destruyó el castillo de su hermano en la playa
f. El sacerdote bendijo el pan
g. Yo acepté el castigo y me dieron una recompensa
h. Yo soñé con una persona famosa ayer
i. Nosotros limpiamos la casa de Madrid
j. Ellos permitieron la entrada al circo
k. El sábado nosotros ganamos al otro equipo
l. Yo acepté el mensaje de Laura. El mensaje llegó el lunes por la tarde, yo estaba en el parque jugando con mis amigos, y después comí patatas y jamón
m. Ella va a saltar a la comba a las 8:30 h. en el pabellón que está al lado de la farmacia enfrente del centro de salud.
n. I decorated my house with friends at half past seven in the evening. Then we went to the cinema, we watched "X-Men 3: The origins"
o. El estaba preso en la carcel, mató una gallina. Después, él se escapó de la carcel.
p. Yo esperé a Julia enfrente del cine, porque teníamos que ir a jugar al balonmano al pabellón marrón a las 5:30 h.
q. Nosotros limpiamos la casa con nuestras madres todos los dias de la semana y después nos dieron caramelos y dulces, nos encantan!!
r. Ellos sonrieron al ver a sus abuelos en la parada del autobus el sábado de la semana pasada a las 9:45 h.
s. Ella buscó en el traductor de internet una frase de inglés, pero no la encontró
t. Nosotros nos despertamos a las 5:30 h. Nosotros nos fuimos al polideportivo a hacer gimnasia, después nos volvimos a casa y nosotros comimos macarrones
Actividad 20: oraciones en pasado simple
- Oraciones afirmativas con el Simple Past Tense Did:
- I liked the movie last night.
- He pronounced the words well.
- You noticed Julia's new dress.
- You missed me last week.
- They arrived this morning.
- She used the correct word.
- We waited for you after class.
- She invited him to her party.
- I expected to see her yestErday.
- They received a letter this morning.
- Oraciones negativas con el Simple Past Tense:
- I didn't like the movie last night.
- He didn't pronounce the words well.
- You didn't notice Julia's new dress.
- You didn't miss me last week.
- They didn't arrive this morning.
- She didn't use the correct word.
- We didn't wait for you after class.
- She didn't invite him to her party.
- I didn't expect to see her yesterday.
- They didn't receive a letter this morning.
- Oraciones interrogativas con el Simple Past Tense:
- Did I like the movie last night?
- Did he pronounce the words well?
- Did you notice Julia's new dress?
- Did you miss me last week?
- Did they arrive this morning?
- Did she use the correct word?
- Did we wait for you after class?
- Did she invite him to her party?
- Did I expect to see her yesterday?
- Did they receive a letter this morning?
Exercises with Regular Verbs. Translate:
a. Yo cociné patatas para cenar
b. Ella limpiaba la cocina los domingos por la mañana
- Ellos jugaban al tenis los sabados por la tarde
- Esa ley pertenecía al otro equipo
e. Vosotros soñasteis con una persona famosa
f. Ella aceptó tomates y lechuga para cenar
g. Ellos miraban la estatuta
h. El viernes yo fuí a comprar zanahorias
- El perro atrapó a mi vecino
- Nosotros bebimos una cerveza en el pub
- Ellos encontraron un perro cerca de la puerta
- Yo llamé a la policia el lunes por la tarde
- Ella limpió toda la casa
- Los niños destruyeron el juguete
- El terminó el examen el sábado a las 13:45 h.
- El comió macarrones y patatas fritas el sábado por la noche en casa de los abuelos, a ella le gustaba las zanahorias y el pollo. Despues ella fue al pabellón y jugó al balonmano.
EXERCISES UNIT 3 (February 16th - Carnival)
1) Spell: surprise, computer, book, library, pencil, blackboard
2) Numbers: 334, 282, 128, 459, 376, 887
3) Translate:
a. Yo quiero ser un valiente cowboy, yo no quiero ser un alien miedoso
b. Ella es más fuerte que yo, pero yo soy más alto que mi hermano
c. ¿Llevas puesto un anillo? no, yo llevo puesto una pulsera y un pañuelo todos los fines de semana
d. Nosotros siempre vamos al cine los lunes por la tarde
e. Ellos algunas veces llevan puesto pantalones verdes y zapatillas negras.
f. Mi hermano es veterinario en una clínica veterinaria. La clínica está cerca del centro comercial al lado del parqu.
g. Mi amigo es periodista. He es muy inteligente.
h. Ellos estuvieron en Madrid el sábado, después estuvieron en el museo detras del Pabellón
i. Yo no estaba en el colegio el fin de semana. Yo estuve en el parque jugando al tenis con mi amigo.
EXERCISES UNIT 3 (Saint Valentine's Day)
a) El come un bocadillo de queso
b) El tiene puesto una chaqueta rosa y una falda gris
c) Esa niña tiene los ojos azules y el pelo largo y rizado
d) Yo juego al baloncesto y al balonmano
e) I hate chicken soup, but I love pizza and milk
f) El perro es marrón y tiene los ojos negros
g) ¿Te gusta jugar al voleibol? Sí, me encanta
h) I don't like playing football at the sport centre
i) The cinema is next to the library and opposite the football stadium
j) No me gusta ir a la escuela, pero me gusta jugar al fútbol, al voleibol y al balonmano
k) El es muy buen jugador de fútbol
l) Me encanta la comida sana
m) Yo como muchos verdura en la escuela
n) Yo soy profesor de Inglés
Texto para Sexto Curso:
St. Valentine’s Day falls on 14th February and is a day when people send cards, flowers or gifts to the person they love or to their friends. But who was St. Valentine?
The most popular idea is that he was a priest who lived in third century Rome. At the time, the Emperor, Claudius II, banned marriage to make better soldiers. Valentine was against the idea and he secretly married couples until he was discovered and condemned to death. St. Valentine died on 14th February, 270 A.D.
As often happens, the Christian celebration has links with a previous pagan celebration.
In Ancient Rome, February 15th was the Feast of Lupercalia. On the eve of the festival, the names of Roman girls were written on slips of paper and placed in jars. Each young man would draw a girl’s name from the jar and would then be partners for the duration of
the festival with the girl whom he had chosen. Sometimes, these pairings led to love and, eventually, to marriage. In 496 AD, Pope Gelasius I turned Lupercalia into a Christian feast day on February 14th in honour of Saint Valentine.
In Wales, wooden love spoons were carved and given as gifts on February 14th. Hearts, keys and keyholes were favourite decorations on the spoons. The decoration meant, “You unlock my heart!” Other common motifs were chains and knots which represented the wish to be together. Why not help the children decorate a love spoon which they can then give as a gift to a friend. The love spoons can also be used as book marks.
Pagina Web para realizar ejercicios con verbos en presente simple, disfrutad!!!
Aquí hay una serie de frases que nos pueden ayudar a repasar todo lo que estamos dando en clase.
1.Yo soy un veterinario
2.Yo estaba en el parque el sábado
3.Yo a menudo voy a jugar al baloncesto
4.Mi abuela tiene 8 nietos
5.I am not a vet
6.Do you like playing football?
7.I was at the cinema on saturday
8.It's one of the oldest drums in the world
9.Yo estoy comiendo en casa y voy a mi habitación
10.Yo soy un futbolista
11.Voy a la escuela todas las mañanas
12.I was at my house at twelve o'clock
13.I get up at half past seven and I have breakfast at eight o'clock
14.At eight o'clock my dad finishes school
15.Do you like playing volleyball? No, I like playing football and swimming
16.I play football at five past three
17.I play handball at five past five
18.I sometimes go alone
19.I love my mum
20.Yo a menudo juego al hockey
21.Yo algunas veces voy a la bolera
22.You were a doctor but he is a policeman in Paris
23.¿Te gusta jugar al balonmano el sabado? Sí, me gusta
24.Yo a menudo voy al parque
25.On saturday I was at the park at five to ten
26.They are office workers and we're hair dressers
27.I play the videogame at ten to five
28.Yo juego al futbol los sábados
29.Do you like playing football? Yes, I do
30.There are animals at the zoo
31.Ella era maestra de Inglés
32. Yo estaba jugando al fútbol en Madrid
33. Was I a reporter? No, I wasn't. I was a cleaner
34. I was a lawyer, but are you a lawyer? No, I am not
35. She wasn't at the park but she was at the football stadium
36. I was a waiter on saturday
1)She was at the park on saturday
2)Was I in Zalamea on sunday? No, I was not.
3)Ayer estuve en casa de mi amigo
4)Vosotros no erais abogados en Barcelona
5)¿Estuvimos nosotros en la piscina el domingo por la mañana?
6)Was I at the park on monday at seven past eight?
7)¿Estuvieron ellos en Quintana ayer? Sí, ellos estuvieron
8)Yo estoy en casa a las 2:15 h.
9)¿Estoy yo en el centro comercial el lunes? Sí, yo estoy
10)Was he at the cinema on tuesday? No, he wasn't
11)Nosotros vamos al colegio a las 8:40h.
12)Nosotros fuimos ayer a la clínica veterinaria
13)¿Era ella profesora de Inglés? Sí, ella era
14)Ella estudia todos los sábados Conocimiento del Medio
15)Yo estuve en el Camp Nou el sábado por la tarde
16)¿Estuvieron ellos en el colegio? No, ellos no estuvieron. Ellos estuvieron en el museo
17)Nosotros fuimos al cine el domingo por la tarde
18)They weren't at the park on monday
19)They aren't at home. They are at the park near the supermarket
1)You are at the cinema with Carol. Are you thirsty?
2)¿Eres tú un médico? No, yo soy veterinario y doctor en un hospital cerca del cine al lado de la escuela.
3)Mis hermanos no eran médicos. Ellos eran oficinistas.
4)¿Eres tú albañil? Sí, yo soy
5)Fuí al cine el martes por la tarde a las 5:00 h.
6)Nosotros vamos al centro comercial el domingo
Exercises Unit 3 (January 26th)
- Write 10 jobs
- Translate:
- Ella no estaba en el cine el sábado por la tarde
- Yo estaba en casa el domingo por la mañana
- ¿Estuvieron ellos jugando al tenis en el pabellón el lunes?
- Nosotros no eramos doctores, nosotros eramos albañiles
- ¿No estaba ella en el parque el martes por el mediodía?
- Vosotros estábais en el centro comercial el sábado a las 12:40h
- ¿No estaba yo en el cine con Ana el jueves? No, tú no estabas
- Yo no soy abogado, yo soy veterinario
- El no estaba en la piscina el viernes por la tarde
- Write the times: 6:25, 7:45, 9:15, 4:00, 8:50, 9:30, 12:05, 7:36, 1:40
- Write days of the week
- Write months of the year
- Study verb TO BE in past and present
- Write the numbers: 584, 125, 478, 8965, 136, 21, 556, 1025, 2130
- Spell: christmas, santa claus, pumpkin, witch, eve, happy, new, year
- Translate:
- Mi personaje favorito es una mujer
- Yo quiero ser educado, yo no quiero ser maleducado y grosero
- El hermano más joven tiene los ojos verdes y el pelo rizado
- El hermano más viejo quiere ser el líder. El tiene gafas, el pelo corto y liso y los ojos marrones
- El chico tiene el pelo más corto que la niña. El es el más joven
- I'm the heaviest and I've got the shortest hair
- Comic heroes have got bigger brighter eyes and shinier hair
- Yo tengo un amigo que (who) tiene los ojos pequeños y oscuros, nariz larga y una boca pequeña
- ¿Quién es el hombre más sabio en el mundo?
- ¿Quién es la persona más alta en la clase?
- ¿Llevas puesto botas o zapatos? Sí, yo llevo puesto botas verdes.
- I love my small watch and my big earrings
Ya veremos, si seguimos poniendo más ejercicios.... disfrutad de Papa Noel, que solo pasa una vez al año!!!!
CHRISTMAS CAROL cantado en Sexto Curso (Special)
Here you can see what we have done at class. Hemos cantado y enseyado la fantástica canción de la película "Love Actually" y su título es All I want for Christmas is.... you!!
Puedes ver el enlace de Youtube o también la letra de la canción (lyrics)
I don't want a lot for Christmas
There's just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
There's just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is...
I don't want a lot for Christmas
There's just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I don't need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't make me happy
With a toy on Christmas day
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you
You baby
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is...
I don't want a lot for Christmas
There's just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I don't need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't make me happy
With a toy on Christmas day
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you
You baby
I won't ask for much this Christmas
I don't even wish for snow
I'm just gonna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe
I won't make a list and send it
To the North Pole for Saint Nick
I don't even wish for snow
I'm just gonna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe
I won't make a list and send it
To the North Pole for Saint Nick
I won't even stay awake to
Hear those magic reindeers click
'Cause I just want you here tonight
Holding on to me so tight
What more can I do
Baby all I want for Christmas is you
Ooh baby
All the lights are shining
So brightly everywhere
And the sound of children's
Laughter fills the air
And everyone is singing
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa won't you bring me the one I really need
Won't you please bring my baby to me...
Oh I don't want a lot for Christmas
This is all I'm asking for
I just want to see my baby
Standing right outside my door
Oh I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby all I want for Christmas is...
All I want for Christmas is you... baby (repeat and fade)
Hear those magic reindeers click
'Cause I just want you here tonight
Holding on to me so tight
What more can I do
Baby all I want for Christmas is you
Ooh baby
All the lights are shining
So brightly everywhere
And the sound of children's
Laughter fills the air
And everyone is singing
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa won't you bring me the one I really need
Won't you please bring my baby to me...
Oh I don't want a lot for Christmas
This is all I'm asking for
I just want to see my baby
Standing right outside my door
Oh I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby all I want for Christmas is...
All I want for Christmas is you... baby (repeat and fade)
Espero os guste!!! Merry Christmas!!
- Write the numbers: 251, 102, 547, 789, 569, 47, 1254, 3697
- Spell: cake, broke, computer, mouse, screen, tablet
- Read and answer: I'm having a great holiday with my mum, my dad and my brother Sam. We go to the beach a lot and go to the café for lunch. Mum likes chicken, so she has chicken and chips. Dad likes fish, so he has fish and chips. Sam doesn't like fish or chicken. He has pizza with tomatoes, cheese and pineapple. I don't like chicken or fish, and I hate pizza! But the sausages are nice. I love sausages! We all love ice cream, so we eat lots of ice cream. See you soon. Love Pete.
- They are …on holiday.................
- They are at the …..................
- Pete is with his ….........................
- They have lunch at ….......................
- Mum likes …..................................
- Pete has …...................
- Pete loves …......................
- Sam doesn't like …....................
- Pete hates ….........................
- Pete, Sam, mum and dad love …......................
- Translate into English:
- A Juan le gusta las zanahorias y los guisantes
- A Elena le encanta el brócoli y la piña
- A Manuel no le gusta el pelo rizado y los ojos verdes
- Tom odia la piña y las judías
- John tiene el pelo rizado y largo
- Mary no tiene el pelo largo y liso. Ella tiene el pelo rizado y corto. Ella tiene los ojos marrones y tiene gafas azules.
- Vocabulary: She's got, she hasn't got, brown eyes, straight hair, curly hair, long hair, short hair, blond hair, glasses, wash, cut up, pour, mix, peel, put, chicken, sausages, rice, pizza, eggs, kitesurfing, playing football, swimming, hates, long curly hair, dad, ten, Scotland, sister, short blond hair, small blue eyes, oranges, apples, pineapple, cherries, fish
1) Translate this text
People can find gold all over the world but most of it comes from South Africa, Australia, Russia, Canada and the USA.
- Gold if very attractive and decorative, so people use it in jewellery. People use it to make watches.
- Gold is reflective so we use it in engines in aeroplanes and space ships to protect them from the heat.
- Dentists sometimes use gold to repair or replace broken teeth.
- People use small flakes of gold to decorate cakes. They put the flakes on the cakes and then people eat them
- The first gold coin was made thousands of years ago. People still use gold to make some coins.
- Write the numbers: 251, 214, 487, 1005, 541, 6325, 896
- Translate: nice, nasty, polite, rude, old, young, strong, weak, pretty, ugly, brave, scared, old witch, young cowboy, strong woman, weak wizard, pretty princess, ugly uncle, brave warrior, scared alien, tired, sad, happy, angry, hot, surprised, a scarf, a belt, a rucksack, a watch, a ring, earrings, always, often, sometimes, never
- Translate:
- Lucy is younger than Paul, but Mum is older than Me
- Granny is taller than Mum, but Paul is shorter than Mum
- Lucy is shorter than Paul, but Paul is happier than Granny and Me
- She often wears a watch and she sometimes wears a wristband
- El algunas veces lleva puesto botas, y él nunca lleva un anillo
- Ella siempre lleva puesto un reloj pero ella nunca lleva puesto una pulsera
- He often wears boots, but he always wears a ring
- Jo often wears a watch. She sometimes wears a wristband. She never wears a belt
- Rob sometimes wears boots. He never wears a ring. He often wears a scarf
- Hannah always wears a watch. She never wears a wristband. She often wears a belt
- Write questions and answers:
- Hannah / play hockey........ Does Hannah..... ? Yes, sometimes
- Jo / ski
- Rob / do aerobics
- Sam / swim
- Translate into English:
- Tú puedes encontrar oro en Australia
- Las personas usan oro para hacer relojes
- El oro proteje las naves espaciales del frio
- Los dentistas usan oro para reparar los dientes
- Las personas usan oro para hacer monedas
- Numbers: 102, 42, 65, 1200, 85, 4000, 5590,
- Order and Write: tsrdon, onlg, orths, ahlowelne, mmmoy
- Answer the questions:
- Is your mum a doctor?
- Have you got brown eyes?
- Have you got a brother or a sister?
- Are you tall?
- Spell: wise, trendy, bananas, short, lucky, car, cat,
- Translate:
- I have got big blue eyes and long curly hair. I'm wearing a black jacket a blue trousers and red trainers
- Alejandro es más fuerte que Juan, pero Juan es más rápido que Alejandro
- La princesa es más hermosa que el joven tío
- ¿Son ellas viejas brujas? Sí, ellas lo son
- Draw a manga heroe and a manga villain
- Calcule: 42 + 30, 70 + 20, 14 + 15, 42 – 32, 82 – 45, 2 * 5
- Order and Write:
- in / nicest / the / class / she / is/ the
- he / is / weaker / than / his / brother
- Translate:
- Alejandro es más fuerte que Manuel, pero menos rápido que Andres
- El es más alto que Laura, pero más bajo que Pablo
- I'm faster than Manuel, but Julia is faster than I
- Mi hermana es más simpática que yo
- La bruja es más vieja que el mago Tom, pero más débil que ella
- ¿Cuánto vale el pastel, la pizza y el chocolate? Vale 10 $
- The pretty princess is pretty but alien is scared than Warrior
- Carmen es más guapa que Julia, pero Julia es más fuerte que Carmen
- The princess is uglier than alien
- Fabiola es más débil que Manuel y Alejandro es más feo que Manuel
- I'm bigger than Juan but smaller than Tom
- Is he from Italy? No, he is from Spain
- She is pretty but he is ugly
- She has got curly and long hair. He's wearing a red and blue trousers and black trainers. She's got glasses and a ponytail
- I love chicken with potatoes. I hate tomatoes, onions, etc
- The princess is prettier than Alien
- Keiko loves manga cartoons. She is strong and brave.
- Is she brave and pretty? Yes, she is
- Rubén es más alto que María, pero Maria es más pequeña que Manuel
Review 5th Course
- Days of the week
- Months of the year
- Spell: kangaroo, ears, mouth, eyes, river, banana
- Numbers: 254, 45, 857, 320, 156, 475, 2510, 1972, 412
- Vocabulary: Spain, France, Thailand, Germany, China, Italy, curly red hair, short blond hair, big blue eyes, polite, rude, tidy, untidy, on time, late, carrots, pineapple, broccoli, beans, potatoes, peas, onions, plums, wash, peel, cut up, put, pour, mix, drink, art gallery, bowling alley, ice rink, sports centre, shopping centre, restaurant, football stadium, internet café, traffic lights, zebra crossing, text message, cycle helmet, reflective vest, lights
6.Vocabulary: playing handball, doing aerobics, doing gymnastics, kitesurfing, bowling, snowboarding, doing judo, playing volleyball, mountain bike, kite and kiteboard, mp3 player, digital camera, pets, dvds, beach, island, jungle, lake, mountains, ocean, river, waterfall, cheetah, koala, rhino, hippo, gorilla, spider, kangaroo, panda, bigger, smaller, slower, faster, heavier, lighter, played, visited, walked, watched, liked 7. Translate: a. Have you got short and curly hair? No, I've got long and blond hair
b. She's wearing a black jumper but she isn't wearing blue jeans and pink trainers- c. Yo tengo un hermano. El tiene el pelo oscuro y rizado y los ojos azules. Mi ropa favorita son la ropa deportiva (chandals, deportivas...)d. ¿Te gustan las zanahorias, los guisantes, las ciruelas y las patatas? No, me gusta el broccoli, las naranjas y una ensalada de tomates y atún (tuna).e. A ella le gusta la leche pero ella odia las salchichas y la pizza.f. I hate beans, i don't like fish or cherries, i like carrots, cheese and chocolate. I love sausages, salad and strawberries.
- Translate:
- There isn't a park near the station.
- Go straight on. Turn right after the station. Go past the supermarket. Turn left. It's on the right next to the cinema.
- Nosotros vivimos en Madrid. Hay ocho millones (millions) de turistas cada año. Hay muchas cosas que hacer. Hay cines, hoteles, restaurantes, parques, tiendas y piscinas.
- No me gusta jugar al voleibol, pero me encanta hacer judo los martes y jueves a las 8:20 h.
- Is she listening to music? No, she's wearing a helmet, but she isn't rollerblading
- When I was six, my favourite food was bananas. My favourite toy was a yellow and green kite. My favourite hobbies were swimming and riding my bike.
9) Opcional (numbers: 182, 1428, 140, 256, 469)

Hi Pedro:
I'm going on holiday tomorrow. Last year we went on a skiing holiday, but this year we're going to the beach. We're going to France and we're going by plane. I love the beach. I'm going to jump into the sea and swim in the warm water. I'm going to find shells, hide in caves and look for treasures. My mum's going to go to the city for a day. She's going to go shopping and visit museums. We're going to eat lots of good food and do lots of sport. I'm going to play volleyball and go kitesurfing. My dad's going to sit in the sun and read lots of books! My sister's going to go horse riding. She isn't going to go kitesurfing. What are you going to do this summer? Are you going on holiday?
Love Al
1) Write Tick or Cross
- Al is going to go on skiing holiday
- He's going to go to France
- He's going to go by boat
- He's going to go to the city for a day
- He's going to swim in the sea
- His mum's going to go shopping
- Al's going to go kitesurfing
- His siter's going to go kitesurfing
- His dad's going to read lots of books
- Al, his mum, his dad and his sister are going to eat lots of good food


Starfish are not fish and they cannot swim. They crawl and climb. Most starfish have five arms, but some have forty! If an enemy bites off an arm, the starfish can grow a new one. Starfish
don’t have eyes, but on the tip of each arm they have an eyespot. The eyespots are made
of cells that can see if it is light or dark, but they cannot see shapes clearly. Starfish have
no brains and no blood. Their nervous system is spread through their arms and their “blood”
is filtered sea water. To eat food bigger than its mouth, the starfish can push its stomach
through its mouth, digest its food and then slide its stomach back into its own body.
Jellyfish are carnivores. They have sting cells in their tentacles to paralyze their prey. They eat small fish, eggs and crustaceans. They do not have an excretory system so their mouths are also their anuses. They do not have a skeleton, a brain, a respiratory system or a circulatory system. Ninety-five percent of their body is water. The box jellyfish has twenty-four eyes
but it cannot see very well. Jellyfish can be different colours: white, pink, yellow, orange, red, blue, green and multicolored. They can also be different sizes: some measure three centimetres across and some four metres
Aquí están los apuntes sobre los regions de “the United States.” Copia lo que no has copiado en clase. Si no conoces una palabra buscala en un dictionario y pon la palabra y el significado.
The West
• Washington and Oregon: wet, forests, mountains, volcanoes
• California: beach, mountains, volcanoes
• Rocky Mountains
• Pacific Ocean
The Midwest
• The Great Lakes
• Great Plains
• The Mississippi River
• Lots of Farms
– Corn
– Cereals
– Cows and Pigs
The South
• The Gulf of Mexico
• The Atlantic Ocean
• The Mississippi River
• Famous states: Texas, Florida
The Northeast
• Appalachian Mountains
• The Great Lakes
• The Atlantic Ocean
• Many big, famous cities: New York, Boston
Answer the Questions:
- The colors of the US flag are ____, ____ and ____.
- There are ____ stars on the US Flag.
- There are ____ stripes on the US Flag.
- There are ____ states in the US.
- Circle: The US is bigger / smaller than Spain.
Match the region with the description:
- The West
- The Midwest
- The South
- The Northeast
a) Famous cities, Appalachian Mountains, Great Lakes, Atlantic Ocean
b) Flat, farms, Great Lakes, corn
c) Mountains, Pacific Ocean
d) Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Ocean, hot in the summer
INFORMACIÓN IMPORTANTE: EXAMEN INGLÉS PARA 6A Y 6B EL JUEVES DÍA 12 MAYO. UNIT 5 Y ANTERIORES EL EXAMEN DE VERBOS LO HAREMOS EN LA SEMANA DEL 16 AL 20 DE MAYO. EJERCICIOS REPASO UNIT 5 (May 3rd.) 1) Translate: a. He's got two brothers and a sister. Yesterday morning, he looked after his brothers. b. Yesterday, he made her bed and tidied his room. After school, he laid the table for dinner c. My friends arrived at 3:45 pm. They gave me lots of presents. We went bowling and had burgers and birthday cake. d. I watched a new DVD with Dad. I went to bed at 9 pm. It was a fantastic day! e. We all use lots of water at home. It's very precious in our everyday life, f. Ella fue a casa de Andres y ella le dió un bonito regalo. Su cumpleaños fué el 14 de Febrero g. Nosotros tomamos un zumo de naranja y ellos tomaron un zumo de frutas. Nosotros dijimos gracias. h. Did you go to cinema? No, we didn't. We went to the park i. Ella caminó a casa y yo hablé con mis amigos j. Ellos usaron el ordenador y vosotros vísteis la TV. k. Mi amigo estaba contento y era amigable, pero mi amiga estaba enfadada y era maleducada l. Ella no estuvo el sábado en el parque, ella estuvo en el centro comercial m. Nosotros estuvimos en casa el sábado, y después ellos estuvieron en la piscina el domingo n. Mi madre es una oficinista y mi padre es un albañil. Me gusta jugar a periodista. o. Ella nunca juega al hockey and él siempre hace monopatín. p. Nosotros algunas veces hacemos aerobic y ellos a menudo hacen patinaje EJERCICIOS PARA SEMANA SANTA 1) Vocabulary: Our planet, heroes and villains, life at home, past times, nice, nasty, polite, rude, scared alien, brave warrior, young cowboy, stronger, weaker, short, tall, heavy, light, long hair, short hair, heaviest, lightest, shoes, cap, shirt, skirt, glasses, a bell, a watch, a ring, a writstband, a rucksack, a scarf, boots, earrings, always, often, sometimes, never, swim, skate, ski, play handball, play hockey, do aerobics, do judo, do gymnastics, postman, waiter, policeman, student, actor, teacher, a lawyer, a doctor, a vet, an office worker, a builder, a cleaner, a housewife, a reporter, He was, she was, we were, they were, you are, they aren't, are we?, weren't we?, cinema, football stadium, park, shopping centre, swimming pool, restaurant, bowling alley, home, happy, friendly, nasty, nice, kind, silly, clever, thin, fat, poor, rich, lived, quick, archery, watch TV, play the guitar, talk to friends, listen to music, walk home, use the computer, playing team sports, going on school trips, using a video camera, doing archery, acting in plays, playing in an orchestra, went, said, gave, had, bought, get up, have breakfast, go to school, have lessons, have lunch, go home, have dinner, go to bed, make my bed, tidy my room, do the washing up, empty the rubbish bin, lay the table, look after my brothers and sisters, 2) Times: 3:07, 4:35, 8:45, 10:00, 2:30, 1:15, 10:15 3) Translate: a. Yo soy más fuerte que tú b. El es más débil que yo c. Yo soy el más ligero y yo tengo el pelo largo d. Yo soy el más pesado y yo tengo el pelo más corto e. Are you wearing a wristband? Yes, I am. f. I always play handball. I sometimes play hockey and I never do gymnastics g. ¿Ella juega algunas veces al tenis? no, ella juega al tenis siempre h. What's you dad's job? He's a cleaner and a builder i. Why do you go to school when you are so old? Because you are never too old to learn j. I wasn't at home on sunday. I was at the shopping centre. k. ¿Estabas tú en el restaurant el sábado? Sí, yo estaba l. Little John was thin, but Sir guy wasn't poor, he was very rich m. Didn't you play the guitar? Yes, I did n. I walked home and I talked to friends o. Ella usó el ordenador y Yo ví la TV el fin de semana p. What time did you get up yesterday? At five past seven 4) Write the past and meaning of this verbs: play, do bite, give, have, hear, become, meet, send, sell, set, tell, understand, write. ¡QUÉ PASÉIS UNOS DÍAS DE DESCANSO Y QUE DISFRUTÉIS MUCHO1! EJERCICIOS REPASO UNIT 5 (7th. April) 6B 1) Translate (Verbos en pasado) a. He went home at ten past seven b. I didn't make my bed at nine o'clock c. He didn't tidy my room at ten to one d. I liked to sell on monday e. I didn't do the washing up f. Yo jugué al fútbol ayer por la tarde g. Ella tiró la basura y preparó la mesa a las dos y media h. I was at home i. Yo jugué con Robin Hood j. Nosotros quemamos los juguetes y construimos coches k. Nosotros nos caímos ayer del columpio l. Did you like the food? Yes, but we didn't like watching tv m. Nosotros construimos un juguete y él vendió un coche rojo a su mejor amigo n. I didn't play football in the morning o. Nasreddin wanted to teach his neighbour a lesson p. My uncle gave a TV on monday in the afternoon q. You sent my ball on thursday evening at the park r. She bought a trouser, t-shirt but I didn't let leggins EJERCICIOS REPASO UNIT 5 (5th. April)6A 1) Translate 1. I went home on monday at nine o'clock 2. Did you play the guitar? Yes, I did 3. Yo hago la cama todos los días 4. Mi padre olvidó las llaves del coche en el trabajo 5. Yo voy a casa de Fátima por la tarde 6. I went to restaurant on monday at ten o'clock 7. Yo le dí a mi madre un regalo 8. I was at home on saturday then I was at the swimming pool 9. Yo voy al cine por la tarde. No me gustó la película y comí una pizza 10. El tomó un zumo de fresa con su amiga Noelia y Angela 11. Yo adiviné la adivinanza (riddles) el martes por la tarde. Yo gané un premio. 12. El fué a la casa de su amigo. 13. Nosotros hablamos con nuestras amigas Marta y Carla y les pedímos los deberes 14. Mi padre le regaló un reloj el verano pasado a mi madre en su cumpleaños 15. He killed my dog and my cat. ____________________________________________________________________________ 16. I had some cake and fruit juice at seven o'clock in the evening 17. Ayer por la tarde rompí el teléfono móvil de mi amiga 18. Yo le dí a mi amigo un regalo por su cumpleaños 19. Mi amiga Lin, cuando(when) pasea a su(her) perro va bailando y cantando 20. Mi madre me regaló una bicicleta por mi cumpleaños 21. El iba al garaje pero el vecino no le dejó entrar 22. El se levanta a las 8:15 h. 23. I broke the picture yesterday on afternoon at ten past seven ¿QUIERES SABER CÓMO SE FORMAN LOS TSUNAMIS? En este vídeo de YOUTUBE, podemos ver como un Teacher explica qué tipos de Tsunamis existen, cómo se forman... es muy interesante y nos viene muy bien para saber qué tragedia ha ocurrido hace poco en Japón, espero os guste!,.
(1) Shop assistant: Hello, how can I help you?
(2) Boy or Girl: Hello. I lost my ________. Have you got ________?
Hello, I´m hungry. Have you got _________?
Hello, I´m thirsty. Have you got _________?
I´d like _______
(1): Of course, how many _______ do you want?
Of course, here you are.
No I´m sorry. I haven´t got _______.
(2): I´d like _______, please. (Me gustaría ______ por favor)
: Oh, ok, have you got ______ instead.
: Thanks, how much is it?
(1) _______ dollars, please.
(2) Here you are.
(1) Thanks, see you later.
1. Translate:
A.) The policeman isn´t very clever. He´s a bit silly and the robber escaped!
B.) Quiero jugar al futbol. Pregunté a mi madre y me lo permitó.
C.) No recordé la gramatica inglesa. Pregunté a mis maestros y me lo explicaron.
D.) Jeff: In the summer, I act in plays and I play in an orchestra. I go to a summer camp!
Sam: I go to a summer camp too, but I don´t act in plays or play music. I play team sports and do archery every day! It´s great!
2.) Describe the people:
A. Jenny has got high marks!
B. The teacher always yells at us and never helps us.
C. The teacher always helps us.
D. Lady Gaga has got a lot of money.
E. Your Mom / Your Mum (Mom = English in America and Mum = English in England)
F. Your teachers
G. Your friends
H. You
1. On Monday I had a birthday party.
I had juice, cake, and icecream
2. You: Let´s go to the park and play football.
Your friend: No, it´s raining. Let´s go to the sports centre.
3. Mike: Hello I want to join the football team.
John: Ok, how old are you?
Mike: I´m ten years old.
John: Great, you can be on my team.
- I want to be a good friend. I want to be nice. I don´t want to be mean.
- Sam is the tallest student, but Jeff is the oldest.
- Sam sometimes plays handball on Mondays. Hannah and Lisa always ski in the winter.
- I like animals. I want to be a vet.